What is Calcific Tendonitis? 16 y
What is Calcific Tendonitis? Why does it hurt for a while, and then stop hurting?
Calcific Tendonitis Sometimes Hurts, Sometimes Doesn't
This article from www.orthopedics.about.com just caught my eye.
As my mother seems to be having from what her doctor diag... read more
Can Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy help Tendonitis? 16 y
Basically, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy takes blood from the patient, puts it through a centrifuge for 15 minutes to separate out the blood components, and then the plasma gets injected into a damaged tendon.
Can Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy help Tendonitis? By Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy? Also known as PRP. Basically, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy takes bl... read more
Q&A about how to deal with sudden onset elbow pain. 16 y
Hopefully you can give me some ideas about how to deal with my rather sudden onset of elbow tendonitis.
Hi, Tendonitis Guru Hopefully you can give me some ideas about how to deal with my rather sudden onset of elbow tendonitis. I have no idea how it developed, except possibly doing isometrics, whe... read more
Localized and Systemic Inflammation PART 1 16 y
Inflammation is a Process that the body kicks in EVERY SINGLE TIME your nervous system feels pain.
For those of you that don’t know me yet, my name is Joshua Tucker, The Tendonitis Expert.
As an expert in the field of eliminating Tendonitis related issues like Carpal Tunne... read more
Know the Antibiotic that causes Tendonitis and Tendon injury? 16 y
This is bad news. Anything that makes your tendons weaker, and to such a degree that they fall apart under normal daily living activities, is BAD.
Did you know that somje antibiotics can cause tendonitis and injury?
I've been seeing more and more about this lately.
There is an antibiotic caled Levofloxacin (the group is... read more
Know the Antibiotic that causes Tendonitis and Tendon injury? 16 y
This is bad news. Anything that makes your tendons weaker, and to such a degree that they fall apart under normal daily living activities, is BAD.
Did you know that somje antibiotics can cause tendonitis and injury?
I've been seeing more and more about this lately.
There is an antibiotic caled Levofloxacin (the group is... read more
How Many Women Did You Save Today? 16 y
Today I saved three women from having to have Carpal Tunnel Surgery!
How Many Women Did You Save Today??
This F-Sun I am at STITCHES WEST, a knitting convention in Santa Clara, California.
I am doing some regular chair massage, but I am mainly doing Tendon... read more
Is Tendonitis Permanent? Part 2 16 y
Tendonitis like Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Whiplash, Plantar Fasciitis, etc, is only permanent -IF- you don't take the RIGHT measures to heal it.
There are three answers to the question "Is Tendonitis Permanent?"
The first answer is "Yes, it is."
Left to our own devices, the way the human body works, it is predictable and almost certain t... read more
Is Tendonitis Permanent? Part 1 16 y
Answers to the question "Is Tendonitis Permanent?"
Is Tendonitis Permanent?
Breaking that question down into more specific questions like...
Is Tennis Elbow permanent?
Is Carpal Tunnel permanent?
Is Wrist Tendonitis permanent?
Is Wh... read more
Thoughts on Knee Tendonitis. 16 y
Knee Tendonitis and how to discover the location of the injury
Ren commented on a previous posting of mine....
"Oh looking forward to this blog! I have knee issues that I'm self attending to for now... I seem to have hit on an exercise remedy of weight lift... read more
Tendonitis and Tenosynovitis 16 y
Some differences between Tendonitis and Tenosynovitis from The Tendonitis Expert
What Is the difference between Tenosynovitis and Tendonitis?
What you will find on most every site that comes up on a google search is that Tenosynovitis is ‘Inflammation of the tendon sheath’, ... read more
Hello From The Tendonitis Guru 16 y
Hello From The Tendonitis Expert, and thoughts on how easy it is to 'fix' tendonitis.
I just found CureZone.com today.
What a wonderful (and HUGE!) site with a treasure trove of information.
I can't wait to participate!
I'll start now.....:)
I am a long time expert at ... read more