Proper pH nothing is more important 16 y
Maintaining proper body cell and tissue pH is critical for staying healthy and creating an inhospitable environment for cancer cells and virus-bacteria-fungus to multiply.
Maintaining proper body cell and tissue pH is critical for staying healthy and creating an inhospitable environment for cancer cells and virus-bacteria-fungus to multiply. Most people are born into... read more
Cancer Doctors Fear Chemo Shortage - Are they out of their minds? 17 y
Fear mongering runs wild as the headline reads Chemo in short supply.
This story from Forbes:
Cancer Doctors Fear Chem... read more
What happens now - the Bernard Madoff Crisis and its effects. 17 y
By now most everyone that had never heard of this Wall Street Tycoon has come to know Bernard Madoff as a crook. Perhaps the biggest crook of all time this seemingly intelligent and generous man has built a house of cards with his own family.
By now most everyone that had never heard of this Wall Street Tycoon has come to know Bernard Madoff as a crook. Perhaps the biggest crook of all time this seemingly intelligent and generous man h... read more