Walking with God with my Fast
by Sacristia

My new fast   16 y  
The reason why I am fasting until complettion.
The reason for my new fast is more health reasons now then every before. I have been doing really well, as that God healed me of my depression just almost 3 weeks ago. It has been absolutely ama...   read more

Day 14   16 y  
Day 14-Feeling better then ever and I am still going strong and full of energy.
Man, yesterday was so very hard. I felt ugly as in meaning horrible beyond all reason. It was the detox so I thought. I wanted to gag all the time when I drank water, if I didn't drink water. I wan...   read more

Day 13   16 y  
Day 13 - midday report -Horrible! I am detoxing and I am so very tired.
Oh it is really kicking my bum now. I can feel the affects of the detox, and the nausousness of all the ketones that are trying to escape from my body. I feel so very horrible. I tossed and turned ...   read more

Day 12   16 y  
Day 12 - A day of food offering incidents, alot of exercise, some tears, a revelation, and a stronger brick in the wall of my faith.
Sigh, The day yesterday was very busy. I went and met a good old friend to talk about heart brokeness with the hopes of comforting each other with our hurts. We talked a bit about it. I think I ...   read more

Day 10 of my water fast   16 y  
Day 10 of my complete water fast. I am still going strong even though the detoxing is horrible, as it makes me feel nausous, ALOT!
I feel I am doing horrible. I feel so very yucky due to high ketones in my systems. Today it got so bad, that I wan't to puke up the water that I drank. I read somewhere that I should drink about 1...   read more

Day 9 of my fast   16 y  
Day 9 of my complete water fast. The days have been hard so I haven't posted. Detoxing and it is not a pleasant feeling right now. But I am still on it and going strong.
I know I haven't posted much lately, but I am so very tired and I have been resting alot as well as trying to drink enough water because I am so very nauseous due to my high ketone level. It is hor...   read more

Day 6   16 y  
Day 6 of my water fast. It was a lazy 2 days in which I didn't do much at all, but relax and sleep.
I am on day 6 of my water fast. Friday and Saturday were hard days for me, as I was just very down in the dumps regarding the plight of my life. It is always hard when a person cares for someone an...   read more

Day two, going strong and so very happy   16 y  
My 2nd day of my water fast, in which I reconnected with God (with much happiness) and didn't struggle as much with the hunger pains.
February 26, 2009 2nd day of my water fast. I am feeling really good today. I was really bored last night and my mind was all over the place regarding various issues of my heart so I really n...   read more

I am bored (still on day one)   16 y  
A little boredom at the end of the day.
I am not doing much at the moment. Just bored and trying to find something interesting to read or something that I can watch that will keep my mind busy. Maybe I will just go to bed early. I am ...   visit the page

Day one   16 y  
Day one (once again!) of my complete Water fast
February 25, 2009 I had fallen a couple weeks ago from my water fast, as I was emotional distraught and became very weak from crying so much that I had eat some soup, as I was over at friend's hou...   read more

Day 6   16 y  
Day 6 of my water fast, feeling a bit horrible today both body and soul
2/13/09 Today is day 6 of my completion water fast. I was a bit antsy last night so I didn't get to bed until after 1:00 a.m. It was a very very rough night. I was woke up around 2:30 a.m by a t...   read more

5th day of water fast   16 y  
Day 5 of my complete water fast. The first stages of calm before the hectic life of detox.
Today is 5th of my water fast. Nothing new, kind of boring actually. I am not hungry so I am just trying to keep myself busy. I didn't post anything yesterday because it was my birthday and jus...   read more

Day 3 of water fast   16 y  
Day 3 of my water fast, no very interesting
2/10/09 I am on day 3 and I still feel good. I haven't had any urges to eat any food at this point. I did have my tummy rumble a bit but after I drank some water, I felt fine and it didn't conti...   read more

2 day on my complete water fast   16 y  
Day 2 of my complete water fast
2/9/09 Today is my 2nd day on my complete water fast. I know that this is happening a little bit early. I usually do a water fast around the Lenten Season and I am about 18 days early, but no ma...   read more

Day 8 of my Water fast   17 y  
How I dealt with day 8 of my water fast and passed the test with not eating when interacting with people
Day 1 - The torture begins   17 y  
Fasting for the Lord, and correcting my life through fasting and prayer
Today the torture begins, because today and the next three days will be the hardest because my body will tell me over and over again to eat. I will not do that, at least I will try and pray my har...   read more


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It is the my water fast, in which I spend time with God, in prayer and reflection more...

Last Activity: 16 y ago
16 Messages   Last message 16 y ago
9 Comments   Last comment 16 y ago

viewed 175,948 times
Created: 17 y   Sep 19 2008


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Comments (9 of 9):
Re: Day 10 of my w… #1005… 16 y
Re: Day 10 of my w… Sacri… 16 y
Re: Day 10 of my w… #1005… 16 y
Re: Day 10 of my w… Sacri… 16 y
Re: Day 10 of my w… #1005… 16 y
Re: Day 6 mertletertle 16 y
Re: 5th day of wat… #1005… 16 y
Re: 5th day of wat… Sacri… 16 y
Re: 5th day of wat… #1005… 16 y
All Comments (9)

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My Health Journey  14 y  (196)
ShinyLife  11 y  (53)
My Journey toward better and …  15 y  (12)

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