Integrating fasts into my life 17 y
I'm trying to make a day-long fast a weekly ritual.
On Monday I did my first weekly day-long fast. I've kept the weight off since I ended the 10 day fast, and my skin is continuing to clear up.
I have managed to eat lots of whole grains, beans... read more
Finally Day 10!!! 17 y
I did it! My first fast has been a complete success!
Well my juice fast is finally coming to an end.
I used up the rest of yesterday's batch of veggie/fruit juice. Added psyllium husk powder this morning to keep things moving. I've been pretty... read more
Day 9!!! Yay!!! 17 y
Reflections on how I've changed during this fast.
Almost to the end! Woohoo!
Made my last batch of juice for today and tomorrow. Had to be a little less creative since I'm running out of fruits and veggies. Left out the pineapple this time, i... read more
Day 8 17 y
Looking forward to the end, but trying to appreciate where I am now.
Finally nearing the end of this fabulous journey!
Did the same regimen today: juice, ACV, flax seed oil, psyllium husk powder, herbal tea, veggie broth. Started taking probiotics- 2 capsules ... read more
Day 7 17 y
Good day apart from another brief emotional breakdown.
Today started off well. I made another new batch of juice, this time including pineapple and potato. I took an Epsom salt bath to help draw out any toxins. This left me nice and relaxed. I had ... read more
Day 6 17 y
On Day 6 I still feel good, and think I was healthier to begin with than I realized.
Good news! Today I was able to slip right into my skinny jeans with no problem! I haven't fit into those pants in months! (They are W29, L31) =)
I drank the same juice from yesterday's batch... read more
Days 1-5 17 y
Intro, background and description of days 1-5
I started my very first 10 day juice fast on Saturday (1-12-08). I'm doing this for a few reasons:
-To clear up a persistent skin issue on my back (hives?)
-To allow my digestive tract time t... read more