Channeling from Lightworker Newsletter, January 2008 17 y
Darylann very soon comes to a third fork in her path. She laughs to herself and looks
up to the sky saying, “I knew it. . . more BS to deal with,” and before she even got there
she decided this time she had to deal with it.
Roadblocks to Ascension
Beacons of Light: January 2008
From Steve:
So here we are, after finally finding a path to walk on, it is not long before we come to a... read more
Why the thyroid gland is not functioning - Obesity and the rest of it, more from Dr. Alex Van Der Beek 17 y
Forgive your need to push through life in anger and all the doors will be opened for you. You will have no need for a big belly then.
"Why the thyroid gland is not functioning - Obesity and the rest of it"
Better and worse anger
Anger is a sign of stress. For example, anger felt for a specific person is someth... read more
Illness and Dis-ease - more from Dr. Alex Van Der Beek 17 y
Illness or physical “disease” is a state where negative energy has crossed the critical line and the whole system is out of balance. The body informs us of the situation so that we can do something to correct it.
Illness and dis-ease
Illness or physical “disease” is a state where negative energy has crossed the critical line and the whole system is out of balance. The body informs us of the... read more
Emotional Abuse, by Robert Burney 17 y
Emotional abuse is a devastating, debilitating heart and soul mutilation. Bruises to the body fade away, bruises to the heart and soul stay - until we start focusing the Light of healing upon them.
Our parents were emotionally abused in childhood because their parents were emotionally abused in childhood. Our parents were our role models who taught us how to relate to ourselves and ou... read more
Setting Personal Boundaries, by Robert Burney 17 y
Learning to set boundaries is a vital part of learning to communicate in a direct and honest manner. It is impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who has no boundaries, with someone who cannot communicate directly, and honestly.
Setting Personal Boundaries - protecting self
"The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves. We need to be able to tell other people when they are acting in w... read more
Excerpt from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney. 17 y
Feeling like we were not lovable to our own parents makes it very difficult to believe that anyone can Love us.
Codependency is a vicious form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
"Codependence is a very vicious and powerful form of Delayed Stress Syndrome. The trauma of feeling lik... read more
Patterns of Copendency 17 y
In order to deal with abuse, many people try to find ways of controlling the situation by taking care of their partner and then of others.
This list of patterns has been developed by members of Codependents Anonymous based on their own experiences.
The basic patterns of codependency stem largely from abuse, often the abuse or dys... read more
Copendency - Writings by Robert Burney et al 17 y
If you have ever wondered why it is so much easier to feel Spiritual in relationship to nature or animals, here is your answer. It was people who wounded us in childhood.
Fear of Intimacy - the wounded heart of codependency
"Fear of intimacy is at the heart of codependency. We have a fear of intimacy because we have a fear of aband... read more
A Funny Donkey Parable 17 y
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds
of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well
is to shake it off and take a step up.
A good lesson to be learned!
&nbs... read more
Overweight, Do-Gooders, and the Thyroid, by Alex Van Der Beek 17 y
Trying to find a physical solution to a psychological problem always lands you in more trouble than you began with. The outcome is an angry battle of life, but remember – there is no battle without violence – that is, without anger. Anger destroys.
All sickness comes from stress, if the thyroid gland is not working then you have a stress, below I explain how it works. The do-gooders: The positive negative are the people whose good hangs on th... read more
Let Go of the Old, Excerpt from Road Signs for the Journey Newsletter, by Sharon Walls 17 y
As you look back over the past year, remember the situations that, at the time seemed like such a problem or issue, maybe even a disaster. Looking back at it now, can you see a blessing?
How to Love Yourself, by Alison Blackman Dunham, from The Advice Sister 17 y
It's easy to terrorize yourself with frightening, negative thoughts...but that's a horrible way to live! You deserve peace of mind.
To follow up on the Louise Hay points, I found this writing on how to love yourself. It might seem impractical, or selfish, to focus on yourself,... read more
How to Love Yourself - 10 Points By Louise L. Hay 17 y
PRAISE YOURSELF Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing
1. STOP ALL CRITICISMS Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. ... read more
Letter From God - Yours to Adapt and Use 17 y
For the word of God is living and powerful. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
To My Precious Daughter JANE BROWN: Because I knew even before I created the earth that you would accept My love for you, and that you would seek to know Me thus… In the beginning I created ... read more
Louise L. Hay - wise words of wisdom 17 y
Allow the love from your heart to wash through you and cleanse and heal every part of your body and emotions
Louise L. Hay - wise words of wisdom
1: Listen with love to your body´s messages.
It is telling you all you need to know.
2: Think posi... read more
Marshall Sylver Quotes 17 y
“To get what you want you must communicate with others in a way that inspires them to want to give it to you.” - Marshall Sylver
“There is no question that love is not the answer to.” - Marshall Sylver “Everything begins in thought and the reality is only our interpretation of the situation.” - Marsha... read more
Quotes from Neale Donald Walsch 17 y
Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly who you’re being right now.
Favorite Quotes & Thoughts from Neale Donald Walsch
• If the whole world followed you, would you be pleased with where you took it?
• Whatever you... read more
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