Excerpt from Tomorrow's God, by Neale Donald Walsch (author of Conversations With God) 17 y
From your thought springs your reality. From your ideas your future emerges. Thus, your beliefs create your behaviors, and your behaviors create your experience.
In the following excerpt, God's voice is represented in bold type.
It is the perception of many people on ... read more
Quotes from Maya Angelou 17 y
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Maya Angelou:
"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."
... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 23 Conclusion, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
Choose the affirmation which appeals to you the most and wave it over the situation which confronts you. It is your magic wand, for your word is God in action.
Excerpts from
"Your Word is Your Wand"
by Florence Scovel Shinn
Choose the affirmation which appeals to you the most and wave it over... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 22 Miscellaneous, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
The thing you dislike or hate will surely come upon you, for when man hates, he makes a vivid picture in the subconscious mind and it objectifies.
T he thing you dislike or hate will surely come upon you, for when man hates, he makes a vivid picture in the subconscious mind and it objectifies.
T he only way to erase these pi... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 21 Journey Affirmation, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
I give thanks for the Divinely planned journey under Divinely planned conditions with the Divinely planned supply.
I give thanks for the Divinely planned journey under Divinely planned conditions with the Divinely planned supply.
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Excerpt, Chapter 20 Elements, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn, with Affirmations 17 y
The Christ within now rebukes the winds and the waves and there comes a great calm. I see clearly peace established on land and sea.
Man is made in God's likeness and image (Imagination) and is given power and dominion over all created things.
He has the power to "rebuke the winds and the waves," c... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 19 Animals Affirmation, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
Infinite Intelligence illumines and directs this animal. It is a perfect idea in Divine Mind and is always in its right place.
I nfinite Intelligence illumines and directs this animal. It is a perfect idea in Divine Mind and is always in its right place. visit the page
Excerpt, Chapter 18 Health, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn, with Affirmations 17 y
Resentment, ill-will, hate, fear, etc., etc., tear down the cells of the body and poison the blood.
Accidents, old age and death itself, come from holding wrong mental pictures.
When man is harmonious and happy he is healthy! All sickness comes from violation of Spiritual Law.
Jesus Christ said: "Be thou healed, your sins are forgiven."
... read more
Excerpt,Chapter 17 Divine Design, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn, with Affirmations 17 y
So on man's pathway there is always a Divine Selection. Each day he must live according to the Divine Plane or have unhappy reactions.
There is a Divine Design for each man!
Just as the perfect picture of the oak is in the acorn, the divine pattern of his life is in the superconscious mind of man.
In the... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 16 Memory Affirmation, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
There is no loss of memory in Divine Mind, therefore, I recollect everything I should remember and I forget all that is not for my good.
T here is no loss of memory in Divine Mind, therefore, I recollect everything I should remember and I forget all that is not for my good.
&nbs... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 15 Protection, Affirmations, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
I am surrounded by the White Light of the Christ, through which nothing negative can penetrate.
I am surrounded by the White Light of the Christ, through which nothing negative can penetrate.
I walk in the Light of the Christ and my fear g... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 14 Guidance, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn, with Affirmations 17 y
I am always under direct inspiration. I know just what to do and give instant obedience to my intuitive leads.
Always on man's pathway is his message or his lead.
For example: A woman was much troubled over an unhappy situation. She thought to herself, "Will it ever clear up?&quo... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 13 Interviews Affirmations, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
There is no competition on the Spiritual plane. What is mine is given me, under grace.
There is no competition on the Spiritual plane. What is mine is given me, under grace.
I am identified in love with the Spirit of this person... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 12 sales,from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn, 17 y
Faith never looks out of the window at the blizzard, it simply prepares for the blessing asked for.
A woman who lived in a country town wished to sell her house and furniture. It was in the winter with snow so deep it was almost impossible for cars or wagons to reach her door.
... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 11 Debt, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
If a man is in debt or people owe him money, it shows that a belief of debt is in his subconscious mind.
If a man is in debt or people owe him money, it shows that a belief of debt is in his subconscious mind.
This belief must be neutralized in order to change conditions.
Fo... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 10 Loss, from Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn 17 y
There is no loss in Divine Mind, therefore, I cannot lose anything that is rightfully mine. It will be restored or I will receive its equivalent.
If man loses anything it shows there is a belief of loss in his subconscious mind. As he erases this false belief, the article, or its equivalent will appear on the external.
For example:... read more
Excerpt, Chapter 9 Faith, from Your Word is Your Wand by Florence Scovel Shinn, with Affirmations 17 y
I now exercise my fearless faith in three ways - by thinking, speaking and acting. I am unmoved by appearances, therefore appearances move.
Hope looks forward, Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly.
In my classes I often emphasize the importance of digging ditches (or preparing for the thing aske... read more
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