by #73810
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pineal crystals and the end of separation   15 y  
Dear ones, your energy has grown so rapidly. You are so incredibly beautiful. You carry that light within your being and letting it come through puts energy on the light from Home which gives it the most beautiful, human flavor. It is magical and we celebrate you all the time
~ Pineal Crystals~ NO MORE SECRETS Beacons of Light: July 2009 From Steve: In this message the group covers two important but what may seem to be unrelated topics. It’s always my job at ...   read more

Lesson 162, I am as God created me, from A Course in Miracles   16 y  
Today we practice simply. For the words we use are mighty, and they need no thoughts beyond themselves to change the mind of him who uses them.
Lesson 162 I am as God created me.   This single thought, held firmly in the mind, would save the world.   From time to time we will repeat it, as we reach another stage in learning...   read more

Workbook Lesson 121 from A Course In Miracles, “Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness.”   16 y  
Forgiveness is acquired. It is not inherent in a mind, which cannot sin. As sin was an idea you taught yourself, forgiveness must be learned by you as well....
Lesson 121 “Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness.” Here is the answer to your search for peace. Here is the key to meaning in a world which seems to make no sense. Here is the way ...   read more

Lesson 156 from A Course In Miracles, I walk with God in perfect holiness   16 y  
In lightness and in laughter is sin gone, because its quaint absurdity is seen.
  ...   read more

Lesson 137 - When I am healed I am not healed alone, from Course in Miracles    16 y  
And as you let yourself be healed, you see all those around you, or who cross your mind, or whom you touch or those who seem to have no contact with you, healed along with you.
...   read more

Introduction to Fear and A Course In Miracles   16 y  
Any state that is not perfectly loving is fear, the removal of which brings about a state of Peace which passeth understanding. This state is an experience that will show you the Truth: There really is not now, nor has there ever been, anything in all the world to fear.
Introduction to Fear and A Course In Miracles There is nothing to fear. Don't be afraid God is with you.  This is an introduction to the idea of fear and how looking on your darkest fears ...   read more

Forgiveness, from Lesson 134, Course of Miracles   16 y  
Forgiveness should be practiced through the day, for there will still be many times when you forget its meaning and attack yourself.
http://www.themiracletimes.com/acim/lesson_text.php?l=134 Lesson 134 Let me perceive forgiveness as it is Let us review the meaning of "forgive," for it is apt to be distor...   read more

Spectrum Vision, from Lightworker Newsletter, a metaphysical channeling   16 y  
That is what Spectrum Viewing is all about. It is seeing the big picture where you can see great potentials in everything that you call negative.
Greetings from Home Walking with Your Eyes Open Dear ones, you have moved so quickly that you do not even get to see your own shadow any more. The evolution of humanity is moving so fast, that...   read more

Excerpts from Louise Hay, April 2006 Newsletter   16 y  
As we feel our oneness with all of life, we’ll drop anger, hatred, prejudice, and the need to be judgmental. As we become one with the healing power of the Universe, we’ll no longer need illness.
LouIse’s Daily Affirmations A - I am a “Yes” person. A - If I dwell on what I don’t want, then I will get more of it. A - I affirm only the good in my life. A - My happine...   read more

Excerpt from Louise L. Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life   16 y  
This is a new day. I am a new me. I think differently. I speak differently. I act differently.
“in the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. My life is ever new. Each moment of my life is new and fresh and vital. I use my affirmative thinking to create exact...   read more

Glaucoma - Relationship Between Fear and Elevated Intraocular Pressure - Relationship Between Fear and Elevated Intraocular Pressure   16 y  
Louise Hay mentions that glaucoma can be related to the following unresolved emotions and experiences:stony unforgiveness; pressure from longstanding hurts; overwhelmed by it all.
The IOP Querent Relationship Between Fear and Elevated Intraocular Pressure Elevated intraocular pressure can be classified as a condition characterized by resistance and contracti...   read more

Book Excerpt — You're Stronger Than You Think: Tapping Into the Secrets of Emotionally Resilient People,by Peter Ubel, MD.   16 y  
Dialysis patients are generally happy, and yet few of them would have predicted this could be the case. The general public imagines life on dialysis as being filled with unhappiness, and yet in our study the dialysis patients were just as happy as healthy people. Why is it so hard to imagine that these dialysis patients are happy?
Book Excerpt — You're Stronger Than You Think Sarah Lezotte’s kidney problems started in 1991 with what felt like a case of the flu. Fifty-eight years old at the ti...   read more

Free Audio Download - I Can Make You Thin, Paul McKenna   16 y  
Free Audio Download - I Can Make You Thin - URL provided
http://www.bukumu.net/review/audio-book/i-can-make-you-thin.excerpt   visit the page

Singularity, a Lightworker Channeling, Beacons of Light Newsletter, February 2008   16 y  
You are the way-showers. You are the propagators of the light. You are the ones that will stand there, holding the door open. Do not give your power away to anything including technology, for that was the way of the first wave of power.
~ Singularity ~ A View from the Top of the Bus Beacons of Light: February 2008 Greetings from Home. Return to Oneness Dear ones, you have no idea how close you are getting to...   read more

Synergy, a Lightworker Channeling, from Beacons of Light Newsletter, March, 2008   16 y  
Just re-member, you do not have to die to go toward the light. Have a wonderful day. Go outside, enjoy the sun and know that it is coming from your heart for the magic is within you.
Synergy ~ Redefining Competition by Finding the Other Gods ~ Beacons of Light March 2008 Greetings from Home. Dear ones, you had your names on these chairs long before you got her...   read more

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Created: 17 y   Dec 17 2007


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Comments (10 of 13):
Re: Louise L. Hay … healt… 13 y
Re: Glaucoma - Rel… healt… 13 y
Re: pineal crystal… INDYS… 15 y
Re: Do you know wh… pb304… 16 y
Re: Overweight, Do… kikie… 16 y
Re: Marshall Sylve… Diva … 16 y
Re: Louise L. Hay … Diva … 16 y
Re: Excerpt from T… kermi… 16 y
Thank you! #90124 16 y
Re: Excerpt from A… Invin… 17 y
All Comments (13)

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