A beautiful sparrow, set free
by husnulove

Day 3   18 y  
“It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things.” arrickgirl Donald Miller quotes
This part of my life is called making a sunday prouctive. I slept for a good 9 hours today. While half-asleep, I decided to make a trip to the university to review and borrow guide books for school. Thank goodness I left at 1pm because by the time I reached the medical library, I only had 1.5 hrs to browse and select the suitable books. I borrowed Medical Microbiology at a glance, Medical Immunology at a Glance, Medical Pharmacology at a glance, Pharmacology main text, Basic concepts in Pathology and Pathology secrets. I am not new to medical school, but have always found the typical im ...   read more

Day 1   18 y  
Be yourself. Follow your instincts. Success depends, at least in part, on the ability to "carry it off."” Donald Rumsfeld quotes (American Secretary of Defense)
What’s better today? Began my fast (was not too hard) Attended school (first since the beginnign of semester), school was not too bad, the lecture hall is huge! *Gotta wake up earlier to avoid peak hour traffic esp overcrowded buses Befriended two new med students: Kevin(uses a Mac) and Nick Ng (wore red and black for D&D, stays at Kent Ridge Hall, from VJ) Studied up fever Finished my PBL (fever with relation to infection) Had a very sweet conversation with my boyfriend.He sent me 2 smses in the morning and I sent one back. Yes, I remember why I love him so much, told him that it ...   read more

Gala’s 10 Rules For Everyone   18 y  
1. Accept yourself. Now. As you are. In all your wonderful imperfection, with all your delicious flaws, regardless of past failure or pain. Stop delaying approval of yourself. You will not be a better (or worse) person when you’ve made your first million, or when you have legions of screaming fans, or when you have a baby. Love yourself now. Forgive yourself now. 2. Take care of yourself — whatever that means to you. From buying a pet to going for long walks with your best friends; from getting a weekly manicure to leaving your abusive partner. You deserve it — & you deserve to feel ...   read more

more fasting notes   18 y  
be educated
What is Fasting? Fasting is to go at least 12 Hours without eating or chewing solid foods. A HEALING FAST- To go at least 24 hours without eating or chewing solid foods. I highly recommend a healing fast over a 12-hour fast. There are 3 types of fasting A. Water Fasting—This is done with distilled water or mineral water B. Juice Fasting – Vegetable drink, Chlorophyll (Green Drink), Master Cleanse, or Fruit drink The following fruits are recommended during a fast (drinking fruit juice is optional during a fast) · Apple Juice- A natural Laxative, Cleanse G ...   read more

epiphany--to invest in myself   18 y  
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
I bought my tin of full cream milk at the mart. Clad in a loose red dress and slippers--clothes I would never, I repeat, NEVER, wear out-- I felt surprisingly easy. Yes, easy. Easy was good. I spotted girls in the mall, dressed in blouse, shorts and slippers, deep in conversation with their gfs. A pang of jealousy hit me. I felt as if these girls were dangling their blemish-free skin to me. ”How I wish I had her skin,” I thought. However, a moment later, as I slowly walked through the crowded mall, peering at clothing stalls and fast food restaurants, it hit me, ”You have all the raw ma ...   read more

Introduction to my fasting plan--milk bath!!! opinions?   18 y  
Milk as a bath, cleanser and beauty aid. By Cristina Peczon. To maintain her lily-white skin soft and supple, Cleopatra bathed in milk every day. More than 2,000 years later, the replenishing wonders of milk-based bath, shower and beauty products are being rediscovered
Milky benefits hydrating properties--promote moisture and prevents dryness helps reduce skin darkening brought about by the wear and tear of aging. essential proteins and amino acids--nourish skin vitamin A--nourish skin. rich in beta-hydroxyl acids--act as natural skin conditioners; these conditioners exfoliate old skin, soothe and soften, producing smooth, glowing skin lactic acid- helps to gently clean and soften skin, great for stimulating skin cell renewal. Modern laboratories now know why milk worked wonders for Cleopatra’s skin: The lactic acid in milk is an alpha-hydroxyl a ...   read more

A little update on how my body is doing   18 y  
these are the things to work on
Skin of face is dry Elbow areas show signs of inflammation, a few tiny bruises Skin is generally drys Skin over knee caps are pretty but there is inflammation and several unhealed scabs Back knee areas are inflammmed and dry, with a few scabs Leg is generally dry but patching up Feet bruise is healing (will heal faster when I actually quit scratching) back of heels skin has healed, diminished inflammation to a slight   visit the page

Gotta start all over again--strike 1   18 y  
“Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.” Robert F. Bennett
I hope I don’t have anymore strikes. I broke my fast unexpectedly the evening before. It was not exactly a conscious or unconscious decision, but propelled by some dark force. I am aware I am one of those people who resort to food to physically relief me of inner anguish. I am acutely aware now of how strong and long my hunger pangs are between 5pm-11pm. If my mind is left to its own devices, it will conjure up images of high-sugar foods ie ice-cream, ice kacang, popcorn, sweet bread or high-salt foods ie laksa until its powers exceeds its boundaries and drives me over the edge. It i ...   read more

My life and my boyfriend (reflections)   18 y  
So I had a tough life. So what!
I stayed up after a 4hr sleep. Man was I tired! I was glad I actually went to bed after I returned from school. During the time I was awake, I laid in bed reflecting. I started tearing up when thoughts of my boyfriend came to my mind. It has been hard for me for quite a while now and if I am not gloomy, I am melancholy. Absolutely nothing cheered me up. I came to a conclusion that yes, I am going through a LOT and I am not handling everything well at all because I am a sensitive girl by nature. I observed this distinct nature of my personality from all my memories, from childhood til ...   read more

Day 2   18 y  
“Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.” Anthony Robbins quotes (American advisor to leaders)
Vision: My health is at its best. Present reality: Dull dry skin, eczema affecting joint limbs, knee caps and lower legs (very itchy and inflammed), very tired Goal: 25 days water fast, 5 day juice fast, ovo-lacto vegetarianism What’s better today? Slept my basic 8hrs changed my desktop to purple flowers (purple is good for healing skin disorders) returned my library books went to school completed the DNA sequencing experiment (learnt about primer (anneal at 3’ end of template), internal control for Duchenne Mucle Dystrophy patient gel electrophoresis, miffed that I could not wat ...   read more

notes for fasting   18 y  
be educated
Fasting - The Master Remedy   Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. The word is derived from the old English, ‘feastan’ which means to fast, observe, be strict. Fasting is nature’s oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. It is recognised as the cornerstone of natural healing. Dr. Arnold Eheret, the originator of the muscusless diet healing system, describes it as ” nature’s only univ ...   read more

Day 1   18 y  
"Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point-that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative- self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them."
I want to clean up my health--life. Trapped in this sick insecure frustrating limbo of eczema, I want no more. I want to do something about this. I have been very depresed lately, skipping classes, staying in bed all day except when I have to work. Tearing up a lot and deep in thought, I find my sleeping growing more scarce and binge/purge tendencies (not always actual frequency) more acute. There is alot of pain inside me and I decided this morning to begin to take each step in the direction that will bring me to my vision. Sometimes it hurts being a huamn, to have a heart that is cap ...   read more


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Vision: My health is at its best. Present reality: Dull dry skin, eczema affecting joint limbs and lower legs, poor sense of taste, lethargic, overweight Goal: 25 days water fast, 5 day juice fast, ovo-lacto vegetarianism… more...

Last Activity: 18 y ago
12 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
2 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 48,251 times
Created: 18 y   Aug 21 2007


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Comments (2 of 2):
Re: Cheers! husnulove 18 y
Cheers! cloud gate 18 y
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Anything is Possible--14 day …  18 y  (1)

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