Success: 3-Day Fast 1 Mo. ago 17 y
Self-reintroduction: Some progress in longer fasting; need a plan, need to make a plan based on what I really am willing to do; now sort of committed for life to at least raw food only if not totally to green living food only (sprouts)
I am making this post some time after beginning this blog. I am continuing the blog as a "Ten-Day Fast Blog" though that would seem to be a blog of a simple ten-day fast; with the idea that the bl... read more
Review of EAting after 54 1/2 hour fast 18 y
review of eating after 54 hour fast
so, I fasted 54 1/2 hours and this brought me into a state in which I was actually (grudgingly, painfully) willing to refrain from getting high on food.
then I wrote about this and the post was for reasons I sincerely disagree with taken off the water fast support forum and put on fasting debate forum but I think I am going to take it off that forum
I need to write a response to the monitor of the water fast forum validating my position because I sincerely believe i am being honest and constructive and helpful and I really fel what is beign done with my posts (erased/moved) is w ... read more
DAY 1 of 12-Day Fast 18 y
Major Panic Attack; Goal for this 12-Day FAst
Just noting that today has been day 1 of a 12-day fast. I really want to do this this time. I have support.
I have had a major anxiety attack. It is the condition of my colon. There may be something with my liver.
I feel overwhelmed. I had a really tough session with my therapist. I feel really abandoned by her and she seems so totally inhuman and it is terrifying sometimes. Sometimes I simply feel alone in the universe, or surrounded only by people who wish and pressure me to do something I am mutilated emotionally by.
I do not feel organized enough. I cannot really feel an ... read more
previous post 18 y
Is one post before post following
Please do not reply to this post. Thanks.
So, I have concluded that I have a phobia-like fear of fasting, some sort of intractable anxiety about fasting, and that I can heal this fear with the help of any technique to deal with irrational fears, and even easier with SUPPORT!
Anti-Anxiety Techniques I know. (1) Ask self: How are you RIGHT now (in the instant.) The answer is always , Fine. Keep asking self this all night and see? You fast all night and are fine. (2)Remember -- my fear being that I am hurting myself by fasting/being thin -- no matter what I do to myself, no matter what ... read more
again previous post 18 y
belongs before post immediately folloeing
please do not reply to this post! Thanks!
I did not post yesterday so need to get in touch with my process.
My other idea for more success in fasting is self-hypnosis.
I am a little discouraged generally right now because of the tenuous and difficult nature of some new friendships I have created in my life.
I got some support for fasting through my ads and talked with 2 people on the phone. The best help was a woman doing The Master Cleanse and talking with her, though she was too abrasive for me (I was not gi ... read more
Previous to last post 18 y
this belongs before last post
Please do not reply to this; thanks!
It is Wednesday morning 6:30 and I have been awake 2 hours taking advantage of the computer’s being free... fearful of its not being free later... stressed about this... not sleeping enough... but!!!... also not eating!!!, which is great. I have not gotten up compulsed to eat. I can feel my body unable to handle food and I am respecting this. I will go back to bed as soon as this post is done. ... Right now I can feel that I would get hyperventilation and painful worsening of my cold symptoms if I ate. The cold is keeping me sober. I am frightened by ... read more
Starting 3-DAy Fast Today 18 y
With a Plan, phone contact for support at night
so, since my last post it has not been that bad. Although I have not succeeded in staying off fruit, I have also not bloated that badly with what I have eaten. Also I have respected my body’s messages nott to eat or to stop eating -- to some extent.
I have not been able really to sit down and plan out my days for this fast I want to start. Nevertheless, I am I guess going to try to start it today. I have planned this fast-starting meal of 950 calories to be eaten shortly (thurs morning 7::30 a.m.)... I must be honest and admit 1. this is too much to eat at once and not really ok with ... read more
FAsted 33+ hours. Starting New 7-DAy fast Tonight 8 pm 18 y
I felt too rushed to really determine seriously to do the fast but now am committed to a seven-day fast for my transition back to the States from Europe
am sabotaging myself by not taking enough time to sit with myself. I am starting a meditation program, daily, in a few days’ time. I have made a daily schedule for myself. I think this will help my fasting success greatly. ”If you meditate, you will get what you want,” someone said to me.
In spite of feeling way too vulnerable to post where I am at, and in spite of getting messages that really damaged me, I am going to report to this forum today as I have been doing I think daily for a little while. I have improved in my lengths of time fasting and comfort with fasting and conviction an ... read more
2 Hours into Day 2 18 y
made it into day 2
I was feeling terrible as I was reading in the bookstore when a book I was reading made mention of sparkling water and this was actually appealing... I just wanted to break the fast and heavy-eat. I went and got some sparkling water and it was neither that thrilling nor something that made me particularly ill. I had my first episode of illness in another bookstore some time after the sparkling water. While drinking the sparkling water I fantasized intently about bingeing on various binge foods.
I am having a transformation of my understanding of food as a real addiction and any trigger ... read more
Next Hour Toward Day 2 18 y
not able to make statements
Just a quick post about to be shut down at the library, maybe on to the internet place now, no feellings, feel rushed, not able to ppost feelings about fast or willingness, ahave written responses to people from curezone pretta supportive emails from them see you soon visit the page
Almost DAy 2 of SEven-DAy FAst With Seven Day 200 to 700 CAlorie Per DAy Readjustment 18 y
I feel like s**t.
It is now just after 3 pm and at 8:38 pm I will enter Day Two of this Self-Transformation hell. I wish I could go to the movies but it is too expensive. This message is jsut going to be a stream of consciousnes. I wish I could organize and think about and develop what I am saying but I am too furious to do this. I need just to express angrily. Repressively cheerful posts make me furious.
I hate everything. Everything is gray. I do not want to go anywhere. i do not want to do anything. I am constantly assaulted by a compulsive pressure to be positive. I am forming this plan tha ... read more
Days 1 to 2 of New Seven-Day Fast 18 y
I'm thinking of an Hour by Hour Blog of this Fast
HI, so, I felt a little pressure from pride to restart my fasting attempt and I did eat violently yesterday in adnvance of this fast but I held firm in my underlying commitment to food sobriety and that is what ths fasting project os all about really -- becoming willing to permanently become sober -- to stop geting high on food.
Last night I felt really Ok with sobriety. i felt truly calm about it. I felt: yeah: being sober is simply and clearly BETTER and i actually PREFER sobriety to that constant state of anticipating food, and then eating it to produce that particular numbness and ... read more
Response to Message 18 y
Please no advice... Restarting fast
Thank you for your tender messages. I am sorry they could not keep me on my fast. i broke after 2 days. I am now gathering myself to start again. Even the 2-day fast has had good effects. What I am working on is my very real food addiction. The fast brought me out of this for a while, into real willingness and real seriousness about sobriety -- sobriety from doing what I recognize as ”getting high on food.” ... THis is the main healing that my life requires. ... I have stayed off processed food after my fast. I have craved it but not gone there. I have been very resentful abo ... read more
day 3 now 18 y
I am trying to WANT again to fast for all ten days.
I am trying to find the willingness to fast throught night. I do not really feel it. i just anticipate misery although i am going to the bookstore and the movies. i am a little scared of the fasting.
I have ben having some very slight sickness. i have not drunk much water at all. i could go out and get some nice water. Nice water. Hah. Ugh.
so, some slight sickness, and a massive crisis in motivation, probably an outright loss of the fast. i guess I can determine just to get through the f**king night.
So. i keep the fast. Then what. No-- I do not want to consider pros ... read more
DAYS 2-3: God Help Me, Want to Quit, No Hope or Willingness 18 y
I want to quit. I'm scared to go on and break my habit of failure. I'm scared I won't be adequately rewarded for fasting
IT HAS BEEN 42 hours so far!!!!
I am feeling physically fine today. DAy 2 ends 6:15 p.m. But (the feeling lightened slightly as I started writing) I have just been stuck in an old, old mindset, one that has always stopped my fasts before and I just can’t see the way out of it and I am scared to see the way out of’S unfamiliar?? scary for that reason??? superstitious fear of the unknown???... it is more that
This is the first time I have ever attempted a fast of more than 2 days, in my recent history; and in my life I have only ever fasted 4 days.
This does not mean I sho ... read more
Completing Day One 18 y
Convincing Myself to Fast 10 Days... Considering My Fears, Affirming My Reasons
I am shy to begin this blog. Suppose I fail. But I want to be committed to this 10-day fast. Oh, God, I have never done a 10-Day fast before. I have no discomfort so far. Some very slight ”hunger” (not real hunger, not at this stage... it’s toxic... it’s the disease bacteria in my colon clamoring for fuel to build themselves up and afflict me with depression, anxiety, unwillingness to work, and the desire to live jsut bingeing and passing out, bingeing and passing out, just constantly getting stoned on food and never engaging with others or with life.
Mental discomfort is always the ... read more