Flax, Memory & Writing 18 y
Awakening my memory and writing creativity, flax oil has enabled me to be verbally creative again!
The flax has really awakened my mind. For so long I suffered memory loss, short and long term. My mind was always foggy, muddled, I was confused and couldn't concentrate for much of 06 & part of 07... read more
Update 18 y
just an update of recent weeks
Well, I’ve been doing the Budwig protocal, drinking essiac tea & juicing and I have me good and bad days as always. Don’t know if it’s helping or not. Flax seed thins the blood so my tumor bleeds more often. My chronic constipation seems finally over with, don’t know if it’s the flax oil or if my cancer is going away. ??? Anyway...
I went in to have my nephrostomy changed and got good news. The doctor said my kidney looked ”beautiful.” Must be the flax seed oil, it’s the only thing I’ve really done differently and I’ve heard kidneys love flax oil. :)
My daughter called from Hawaii. She ... read more
Concert Sermons? 18 y
Coming at youths with fireworks to interest them in God
Sad... 18 y
Life is hard, all I want is my little home in Tennessee
Fatigue, I think that’s what it is that brings on the sadness. I have been so tired and so apathetic these last days. I sometimes go into the bathroom just to grab a quick tear-shedding so I can go on with the rest of the day. I can’t really even put my finger on what I’m so sad about. Any number of things I suppose, from past regrets to present aggrivations. Living with two men ISN’T easy. Neither of them get along and when they are getting along they act like 10 year olds, running through the house beating each other with sticks or spraying each other with water... I’d like to wish them ... read more
shut up!!!!!!! 18 y
Emotions and disease, never look back
Last night I made a big mistake. Stupid too because just yesterday I was struggling with a bit of discouragement, yet I had to go and do something that would make it worse. I went to read my online record of events that led to my disease. I did that because I was talking to someone about emotions and their effect on a person’s health so I thought I should hop over and refresh myself on my own spiral into emotional darkness and my resultant cancer... why I don’t know, like I said, stupid. As I read, especially my 2006 journals, I started re-living it all, started feeling that same pain and ... read more
Discouragement 18 y
If I can overcome, YOU can overcome
What to do with discouragement? Fight it, reason against it, pretend it’s not there? Even I, a minister, a person with great faith and great hope in the promises of God (Isa 66:17/ 2Pet 3:13/ Rev 21:1-4/ Acts 24:15) get discouraged as I fight this disease and deal with the struggles of daily life. Every new pain brings a new fear. Every seeming setback brings a new doubt.
Perservere. That would be my advice, and I take it myself, to any who sometimes succumb to discouragement as they battle their diseases and deal with the struggles of daily life. Just keep up with it, keep plugging awa ... read more
What it's like to face death, a Christian perspective 18 y
A Christian's experience when faced with death
As a Christian I have faith in Christ’s words that there is going to be a resurrection. I know the future world ruled by Christ in God’s Kingdom will be a far better world than mankind was ever able to make, and that life there will be wonderful and everlasting, yet still, death is the enemy and it is frightening to face.
I remember laying in that hospital bed after being told I probably had only a couple weeks left to live and feeling a strange, almost hollow, panic, something that made it hard for me to react to. I had never felt such a thing before. I begged God in tears not to let m ... read more
What it's like to experience kidney failure 18 y
My experience with kidney failure, a hospital stay and my rebound
This is my experience with kidney failure;
My abdominal tumor grew to block the ureters of my kidneys causing one to back up so badly that the core of it was basically worn away, hollow. This evidently happened a while ago with no ill effects other than smelly cloudy urine which I mistook for an infection. I treated it with varous alternative methods. I had had bad experiences with doctors in the past, I think mine was a retard or something, so I didn’t see a doctor about this. MISTAKE! I should have gone to a doctor with half a brain and been tested for this. Instead I went on self tre ... read more