the small but graphic cleanse blog
by jiminy

Day 9: Breaking the Fast   18 y  
decision to listen to my body
I decided to break my cleanse early because my melasma -- the reason I started this -- was and is getting worse. I felt as if I was ready to stop after a week since my tongue was pink, but when I asked about that on a message board someone said that I had to continue for 10 days. I pushed it; it caused my problem to get worse; I’m stopping. I think the lesson here is: listen to your body! I wish I had stopped after one week. That was the right time for me. I broke with orange juice and, this afternoon, a nectarine. I wouldn’t say this has been a bust but I wish I hadn’t continued ...   read more

Day 8: Questioning the Cleanse   18 y  
Thinking about using other juices for the last two days of my cleanse
It’s about 8 p.m. on the eigth day of my master cleanse, and I think I’ve decided to switch to a juice fast for the last two days. I’m having a lot of trouble getting enough lemonade in (I haven’t been able to get through even two servings today, despite running 4 miles and walking 2), and I just don’t feel like this is healthy. My melasma -- the reason I’d started this program -- is, if anything, worse. I’m not eliminating any large, pent-up waste; my BMs look exactly what I’ve been taking in recently: water and a little cayenne. I’ve lost some weight, which I like, but I don’t feel l ...   read more

Day 7 MC: Ready or Not?   18 y  
A day of ups, downs, and overdesigned shoes
Day 7 was a bit of a roller coaster for me. I had a half cup of the lax tea before bed last night (didn’t seem to make much difference to my, um, morning ritual) and got a good night’s sleep. Felt great this morning, did the SWF easily, ran, took a lavendar/sea salt bath, went shopping (won’t you take me to...Nike Town!). I had a lot of emotional stuff come up, though, stuff I really don’t understand or know how to deal with. It came and went like a thunder storm. Makes you think that a lot of your emotions come from your physical state, doesn’t it? Or is it the other way around? A ...   read more

Evening, Day 6: Bah   18 y  
A rough day on the downhill side of the cleanse.
Today, not so groovy. Last night I was irritable and emotional, and then this morning I got my period and spent the day cold, cranky and craving. I can’t even explain all the things I thought of eating: mostly starches with butter. Popcorn with butter, baked potato with butter, big drippy sandwiches, tortilla chips (I will never stop loving the chip), hamburgers with mayonnaise. Pathetic! Hopefully tonight will be easier, and then the damn day will be over. Good riddance.   visit the page

Evening, day 5: hitting my stride?   18 y  
A good day on the cleanse (hm, hope writing that doesn't jinx me...)
Today was a groovy day; it’s almost as if I’m having fun with the cleanse. ALMOST. I’ve been treating myself to lots of little non-food treats (a yoga mat and DVD, 2 new novels, an orange dress -- wait, what was I thinking with that last one? yeesh). Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I skipped the lax tea entirely last night. Bad idea? My body didn’t behave much differently -- I got rid of some stuff in the morning and the afternoon. I may try some tonight to see what my body likes best. The gas problem? No longer a problem. My secret? Water. Buckets of water, watery-er lemonades ...   read more

Evening, Day 4: Detox   18 y  
Another day, another detox symptom...
Well, apparently this is what they call detox. I read that the cleanse gets much easier after day 3, that people feel a burst of energy, they work out better, they sleep better...hmph. Just my luck that my detox involves insomnia, fatigue, and a poignant, bitter longing for tortilla chips and guacamole. The good news is that I’ve pretty much got the drill down: wake up, flush (with my craving for salt, this is no problem), lemonades, a little exercise (today I walked part of my run, which helped), a nap, and then just life. Errands, chit chat, reading, etc. Strangely, my television ...   read more

evening, day 3   18 y  
Finding non-eating sources of satisfaction.
Well, we’re off to the races. The lemonade/cayenne and SWFs really kicked in today, and I found myself going to the loo a lot more often. Nothing painful, but more gas than I expected. (I wasn’t tipped off about this -- folks don’t seem to talk about gas much. But I’ve been having lots! and not enjoying it one bit.) It was a slightly more difficult day, for a few reasons. I went running for the first time since my cleanse began, and while I was really happy to be back in my shoes, listening to my ipod and punching through the park like a badass, I did tire much more easily. I found ...   read more

Morning, Day 3   18 y  
teas and SWF
Last night I stayed in and watched a movie on TV -- lots of urges to snack! I usually eat (a lot) when I’m alone watching TV, so it was strange to sit with a cup of tea. Pleasant, though. I had a cup of Everyday Detox tea, an herbal tea that has schizandra berries and dandelion. It’s without calories and is supposed to be good for the liver. It’s been surprisingly cool in the Northeast U.S. (where I am), so the teas are very warming and fun. This morning’s flush was the easiest so far: I woke up very early (oy) and had 1/2 qt hot water with 2tsp sea salt. I’ve been craving salt an ...   read more

6 p.m. Day 2   18 y  
Day 2 of master cleanse...taking care of family business.
Today was easier than yesterday -- surprising. I made a batch of limeade and then spent the day with family. I met up with my aunt and brother for ”brunch” (I had the peppermint tea) and then my brother and I went up to see my grandmother. It was really good. She was so thrilled to see my brother -- she kept putting her hands over her eyes and saying: ”I’m overwhelmed! It’s so great to see you! You’re so adorable!” (speaking to my brother). It was really great to see her so happy. The new facility is a drag and a half: they really have the residents in lockdown. But my aunt has ag ...   read more

Day 1: the clean-up   18 y  
1st day of master cleanse
I’ve tried to post on this new blog a few times, but I always get an error message. Argh... anyway, I thought I would write a blog about my first master cleanse because it was so important for me to read about others’ experiences when I was deciding to do this. I think it really helped me to prepare. I prepped for the cleanse by eating only fruit for one day. I got that idea from Dr. Andrew Weil (my hero!) who does juice fasts and preps with days of eating only fruit. It did help me to shift gears, I think. The night before, I drank a small amount of the senna tea. I want to ...   read more


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Last Activity: 18 y ago
10 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
8 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 58,248 times
Created: 18 y   Jun 09 2007

Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Bah jiminy 18 y
Bah katiemarie 18 y
Re: ~Do Not~ jiminy 18 y
Re: ~Do Not~ Zoebess 18 y
Re: ~Do Not~ jiminy 18 y
~Do Not~ Zoebess 18 y
Re: challenges jiminy 18 y
challenges Zoebess 18 y
All Comments (8)

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