Bilocation Course Recovered 16 y
Bilocaion Course
9Recovered from
all Performa 6200CD)
2:03 PM
October 8, 09
Written around 1999
© 2009, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
And NOW... the Perfect Solution
before the Promised Land!
Every felt like you needed to be in two places at ONCE?
Not enough hours in the Day?
Did leaving Egypt in the fast lane give you too much matzah
and re-occuring digestive upset?
Taking time to keep the budget straight got you peeved?
Too many long distance phone calls to deal with?
Late night UFO’s communications interfering with your sleep time?
Is flying first class not good enough for YOU?
Sign up today for ... read more
Enchanted Delicacies 16 y
written in 1999 or so for CARLA KUFNER
9:02 AM
October 6, 09
Leslie Goldman
Enchanted Delicacies
for Kings and
A Living Food Celebration
All Materials, copryright.
Be in touch if you are interested in using
any of these writings. email above under
Your Enchanted Gardener
© 2009, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
Appears to be some poems at the end...
In a world deeply out of step with the natural rhythms of the earth, and the natural rhythms of our own body ”Green Food Celebration” is an
important book for these times. In this book, Carla tells her own story ... read more
From Something I Have to Say 16 y
putting some old writings online
for later use.
8:47 AM
October 6, 09
Experimenting with
copying some things off
my old Powerbook that had
been transfered to the new
Imac 20 inch.
Both old Powerbooks are not working.
The hinge issue that is reported
for the Powerbook played a role
in the lost of info...
I see a black screen, but hear something.
The earlier model will not fire up.
This is new.
Address book info?
Let it go?
Inspired by our Thanksgiving Day Conversation
Allow the space in your life that allows
broken dreams to be seen, the spaces
of broken glass where you no longer f ... read more
Jewish Ecological Calendar Opening Pages 16 y
What I Can Do Today
to Repair the World:
Recovered from
unfinished work 1997
October 5, 09
5:06 PM
Parts of this could not be recovered...
From The Universal
for the Yid* in Everybody
By Leslie Goldman
Maggid of the Enchanted Garden
* “yid” means Jewish! Of Course!
Biographical Note:
Leslie Goldman’s journey toward flowering began as one of more than 350,000 patients and countless friends inspired by the life and works of Dr. Bernard Jensen, an elder of the natural healing arts, noted for his work advancing Iridology. Once totally crippled with arthritis, Leslie was carried from bed to bed by Dr. ... read more
Heaven on Earth Booklet 16 y
Heaven on Earth Booklet
Recovered....from old Performa 6200 CD
4:47 PM
October 5, 09
Working to recover some old writings
off the Performa that were stored on the
Imac. Oh, I am able to convert them using
the Word application. Good!
© Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener, 09
From the Heaven
Earth Booklet.
It will be so great to get this old
Performa 6200 CD off my desk.
Leslie Goldman
Enchanted Gardener
The most
is for
this END
with a SEED DREAM.
is a
... read more
Plant Your Dream Manuscript 1-9, Version 1999 17 y
Plant Your Plant 1-9 1999
© 2008, Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener
“To Thee, Divine Peace,
will I lift up my Song...”
Romain Rolland,
Each person has a song of LIFE.
--emanations of SEEDS--
are CON... read more
Plant Your Dream MS10-15, 1999 17 y
Plant Your Dream 10-15, 1999
© 2008 Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener.
The 20th century
has been
to beat the system.
The natural order
cannot be beat
or beaten down.
Caretaking land
fit to GROW DREAM... read more
Plant Your Dream 1999 16-20 17 y
Plant Your Deam 16-20 1999
by Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener
“You, too must one day cease
to be your present self,
so that you may become a richer personality,
in pursuance of the law
that life always creates more l... read more
Plant Your Dream MS Part 21-24 17 y
Plant Your Dream MS 22-24,
by Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener,
written in 1999.
uploaded December 5, 08
The spirit
that we
Plant a
A whole new
will grow
from your
... read more
Plant Your Dream MS 25 + 26 1999 17 y
Plant Your Deam MS, © 2008, Leslie Goldman, Your
Enchanted Gardener.
Take time
to record,
go deep,
to listen to your SOUL.
-... read more
Part Two Plant Your Dream Manscript 1999 17 y
This is the End Part of the Plant Your Dream MS
that I wrote in 1999.
I have been looking at materials on old computers
all day, exploring different ways to copy them
to a newer Imac. This Manscript I transfered
via the internet. I am going to leave it here for
a while. Please respect a copyright on this
manuscript., © 2008, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted
End of Plant Your Dream MS
This is the final parr of the Plant Your Dream
Manuscript that I wrote in 1999.
I intended this would be a book.
this are kernel ideas I express
in many forms.
... read more
Universal Children's Gardens 18 y
Sandy Hinden?
Universal Children's Garden's
Where is this man now?
I met him in the early 80's
I am going through notebooks filled
with materials from the 80’s.
Part of my Basement Decluttering.
I met a man named Sandy Hinden.
Looks like he was married or had a sister named Joia Hinden.
He was a man who Robert Muller knew.
Robert worked for the U.N. then.
Sandy had a beautiful vision.
I see one mention of Universal Children’s Gardens.
I will print up some of the materials
here when I find more of them.
He was doing International Work.
Not sure what happened to Sany Hinden. ... read more
Building with Bamboo 18 y
Reconnect with Bart of Solai Bamboo.
Can this be a source for selling our Lumber Bamboo?
7:56 PM
July 25, 07
Solai Bamboo
From their Literature:
”Farmers harvest 3-5 year old bamboo shoots.
Bamboo shoots grow rapidly (about 24” in the first 24 hours after
breaking through the ground) and spread everywhere from the mother plant.
Unlike trees that die when harvested, bamboo regenerates itself
so that the forests remain forever, as bamboo is a renewable resource.”
Could this be a source for selling our Lumber Bamboo?
I believe I made contact with this man a long time ago.
read more
River Cane: What's the Use? 18 y
River Cane: what's is the Use of it?
What is the Cost of letting it grow here?
2:58 PM
July 20, 07
Gave my life Energies to River Cane.
River Cane was a primary teacher this morning.
For about ten days, we have been cutting down
a large stand of it on the East side of the property.
What am I learning form this invasive plant?
The elimination of its overgrowth this morning
took my precious morning hours.
I got into it.
The Black Cans, the ones we fill each Friday
were already filled with the River Cane.
There were still about five barrels of it
in the Green Materials Cans.
My goal was to get it off the property
by the time The Black Ca ... read more
Safe Seed List 18 y
Safe Seeds--no GMO's--list
9:10 PM
July 13, 07
Thanks Wombat!
Companies that have signs a Pledge
to ensure healthy seeds free of GMO’s.
Seeds of Change,
I believe, should also be on this list.
Source for Exotic Rare Fruit Trees...
Exotica Rare Fruit Nursery,
Vista, CA.
visit the page
Job's Tears=Bush Beans Swamp=Liberia 18 y
Job's Tears also grow in Liberia
and are called Bush Beans...
July 12, 07
9:28 AM
Job’s Tears=Bush Beans Swamp=Liberia
Jenkins Macedo...born in Liberia...
visit the page
Plant Parenthood Activity 18 y
Plant Parenthood activity...
July 11, 07
2:22 PM
”Create a Picture for what you want!” Robert Camp says
on this show.
I say, Plant a Seed for what you want!
10:04 PM
June 5, 2007
This is World Environment Day.
I am starting this Blog to record
Plant Parenthood Activity here at the Enchanted Garden
Intentional Community and elsewhere.
I will add more here yesterday.
I am tired now.
Wrote on this tonight here:
visit the page
Soil Foodweb Information 18 y
Soil Foodweb information
1128 NE 2nd Street
Suite 120
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
541.752.5066 visit the page
Garden LInks of Importance 18 y
Garden Links
Planetary Health, Inc.
Amberwaves Journal
P.O Box 487
Becket, MA 01223
July 8, 2007
Michael Potter, Phd
Nature’s Perfect Food
By Michael Potter
“By his activity in this fight he brought down on his head the lasting hatred of all the food adulterators in America. Until this day no name is more abhorrent to them than that of Theodore Roosevelt. And that organization of food adulterators is one of the most powerful political influences the country has ever had to deal with. It has openly defied the national and state ... read more
Soil Mate Work with Martha 18 y
Soilmates Garden work with Martha...what we did...
As the Press Conference unfolded June 25
on Community Farms & Gardens, I felt that my pressing
need was more help in our garden at the Enchanted garden Intentional Community.
The Press Conference was inspiring. I met Martha Kalaska there.
She wanted to come over the next day, and we spent two hours today together.
This summer, I intend to do a lot of cleanup here. I want to take on
the basement. Last week, the man from AT&T came and took out old boxes
of clutter in the basement. There was still a mass of wires. I felt
overwhelmed by all this remaining clutter of w ... read more
Staghorn Concerns 18 y
Staghorn Fern Care.
3:58 PM
June 7, 07
What is going on with my Staghorn Fern?
It has been doing good since before 2001.
Not it appears to be unable to take up water.
Perhaps there is rootrot or something like that.
I have emptied out the water that was gathering at the bottom.
I have used some of Peter’s Powder.
I have wiped the leaves down with Aghihotra Ash.
Is does not seem to be recovering.
I am going to call Doug, the man
who I got it from.
He used to be at the FM years ago.
Called him....
I am going to take it over there next week....
It is really hurting...
... read more
Angelica Archangel 18 y
Watching the Angelica near everyday.
Wanting to see a growth spurt.
Hoping for seeds this year.
8:52 PM
June 6, 2007
Looking over the new FES Formulas.
I am looking out near every day for my Angelica plant
that is growing in the Relationship garden in flont of the
Here is something about this plant.
It is a biennial.
I have not had the seeds in many years.
I feel there is something else needed for its health.
I am not sure what. visit the page