Progress Report 17 y
~notes from the path to wellness
Bless me blog for I have been bad and did not write
very much during my last Master Cleanse. It felt good
not to pressure myself to report every nuance of detox
reality. Still, I would like to offer this progress
report to encourage others as they continue on their
own healing path.
This last fast was 28 days long. I had expected to go
30 but by day 25 had been experiencing non-stop stomach
growling, and after 3 days, made the choice to break on
day 28. I feel really good about that choice and felt I
did the right thing. Remaining flexible is also a victory
since it e ... read more
Days 11-18 17 y
shaking it up
Wow, how time flies when you are having fun...ggg.
Once, I got over my hump in my healing path, I have
had a good energy. I have been working on projects
which have been gathering dust, and on a couple of
new ones. I have alternated my SWF with the lax tea
in the mornings. My exercise routine has included
inverting, using my chi machine and lots of sit ups
and tummy massage. My favorite visualization harkens
back to my childhood when I would stand and watch my
mother’s old Maytag wringer washer agitate. I feel
like I have been agitating my guts so much that any
debris hangin ... read more
Day 9-10 17 y
summer daze
Its been a quiet weekend. I did not see
any humans this weekend, although, a deer
stood in the road staring at me when I
went to get the mail. I waved at her as
if she should recognize me. I wondered
what she was thinking as she did not
seem to want to move. Finally, she loped
gently back into the woods and was hidden
from sight even though I drove by slowly
trying to catch a last glimpse of her.
My fast has been fine. Working hard to
keep the waters up as I have not been
thirsty and more tired than hungry.
Each time I used the toilet, I drank
water to replace what I ... read more
Day 7-8 17 y
swimming against the tide
Yesterday seemed a whirlwind day of activity
and struggling to keep up with my lemonades and
my waters. I was really glad the lemons I bought
the day before were nice. The ones previously
took 5-6 lemons and the new ones, I can get a
cup of juice from 3 lemons.
This morning, company left and I was sorry to
see them leave but also glad. I realize that I
should have been more assertive and asked them
to come calling at a different time. The first
week of a fasting cleanse was too hard to do and
also have guests. I woke this morning to the
smell of fresh brewed Columbia ... read more
Day 5-6 17 y
the detox dance begins
Yesterday started with my neighbor coming
to mow the yard at 7 in the morning. I was
awake, waiting for my SWF to move the earth
under my feet...ggg. Within a half hour, my
neighbor was at the side door proudly dangling
a dead copperhead for me, like a kid showing
his mom a dead rat. Little did he realize how
yuck that seemed to me while fasting. It made
me a little nauseous but fortunately, the poo
parade began and I quickly forgot the perils
of life in the country and actually felt sorry
for the snake. I have lived here for years and
have never killed a snake yet. I ... read more
Day 4 17 y
you are the gift you give yourself
Today sort of began last night. At midnight,
storms moved through quickly and I have always
been fascinated by thunder and lightning and so
found it difficult to sleep.
I lay in my bed, looking out the window, and
admired the billowed out thunderheads as the
lightning illuminated them. I reflected back
on times I had spent watching *clouds* and how
fortunate I had been in my life to have the
experiences and good memories I have. I felt
This morning, another small blessing, my company
put their trip off a day and so a day of quiet
was mine to enjoy. The ho ... read more
Be a Light 17 y
for yourself & others
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that
most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to
be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child
of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won’t feel insecure around you. We
are all meant to shine, as children do. We are
born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us. It’s not just in some of us ... read more
Day 3 17 y
time to chill
Today is a peaceful, calm day...
I discovered the source of my headache and my
body aches. My monthly cycle started. I had
thought it might be a few days more, but I
looked back at my blog from last year and
sure enough day 2, same thing. I am sure it
was what also was weakening my resolve which
seemed better for me since I thought I was
really ready to embrace the cleanse and have
eyes ONLY for lemonade. Again, today, I was
cutting up a banana and I thought, jeez that
smells and looks so good. A spoonful of my
unsulphured blackstrap molasses was fine to
quell the cra ... read more
Day 1-2 17 y
striving for a satisfied mind
Yesterday was a good day for the most part.
I really enjoyed getting back to my alchemy
in the kitchen and then stowing my bottles
of amber lemonade in the refrigerator.
I have company coming though and so this
necessitated my needing to put away some
projects I was working on and chasing
dust bunnies and such. Lots of washing
of rugs after the week of muddy days and
our dogs running in and out with wet bodies
and muddy paws.
Usually these preparations are nothing but
doing them the first day of a cleanse and
also doing chores like feeding the birds
and telling mys ... read more
Affirmations 17 y
Today is the beginning
Today is the beginning
of my new life~~
I am starting over today~~
All good things are coming
to me today~~
I am grateful to be alive~~
I see beauty all around me~~
I live with passion and purpose~~
I take time to laugh and play
I am awake, energized, and alive~~
I focus on all the good things
in life, and give thanks for them~~
I am at peace, and one with everything~~
I feel the love, the joy, the abundance~~
I am free to be myself~~
I am magnificence in human form~~
I am the perfection of life~~
I am grateful to be me~~
... read more
The Saga Continues 17 y
a working vacation
This last year, I have really reaped many benefits
from my Master Cleanse last summer. My digestion and
elimination have been great, and focusing on keeping
well hydrated has served me well.
This summer, I hope to refine my coping behaviors and
to develop more ways to stave off boredom and to resolve
my persistent issues where I use food to comfort myself.
Most of all, I plan to enjoy this cleanse and have chosen
to see it as a working vacation. A time to reflect on
where I am going and how far I have come in the last
year in facilitating change and good health habits.
... read more