150.6 pounds 17 y
day - 18 12/22/2008
There's no question any longer about whether this diet works. I'm convinced. However, if I could do it over again I would do a better job on the cleansing before the diet. Even though I'm not hungr... read more
151.8 pounds 17 y
day 15 - 12/19/2008
Wow what a week. I haven't been able to post in a while since my two jobs have been keeping me very busy. But I'm doing wonderful and I love this diet. This is the by far easiest way to lose weight... read more
156.9 pounds 17 y
Day 7 - 12/11/2008
I'm loving this diet. I already feel a lot skinnier and I'm not hungry at all. I had a huge salad with no-oil dressing and it was delicious. I could just dream of that on the Mastercleanse. Tomorro... visit the page
158 pounds 17 y
Day 6 - 12/10/2008
Well today I'm starting my 4th day of VLCD. It's been going great, I can't say that I'm very hungry but that may be because I take some hoodia to help me control it. The weight's been coming off an... read more
165.3 pounds 17 y
Day 3 - 12/07/2008
Well I just wrote this message and lost it due to website malfunction. So here's a short version of it. Day 1 of VLCD (very low calorie diet). Not hungry. Had a red bull in the morning, sole & cele... visit the page
161.7 pounds 17 y
Day 1 - 12/05/2008
Well the HCG got here about 10 days ago but I couldn't start right away since I was too close to my period but today was the day. I was so scared of making a mistake during the mixing of the soluti... read more
I'm back 17 y
i'm starting a new diet
Well well. I was doing so well last year after that master cleanse. But i was scared to death that i would gain back all the weight and in fact i did. not right away and i could have stopped it if ... read more
Liver Flush 6/22/2007 18 y
still no results
second liver flush was no better than first. the epsom salt tasted better with grapefruit juice than just water. the Olive oil tasted better last time when i mixed 1/2 cup grapefruit juice, 1/4 cup lemon juice, and some flaxseed oil since i ran short on olive oil. results were the same even though i took malic acid pills for a few days before the flush and ate at least 2 or 3 granny smith apples a day. what really bothers me about the flush is that the moment i can start eating again i want to eat everything in site and i do. I’m still eating mostly raw food the only non-raw food is hot te ... read more
Liver Flush 6/14/2007 18 y
this is gross
For my first Liver Flush I tried the Hulda Clark version. It was difficult to get those liquids down but I managed. I am not sure how happy I am with the result, but I’m sure that it was a good idea to do it. I didn’t see many stones. The few that I did see were very small and soft. How do I know that they are stones that come from the liver and not a chemical reaction between waste, bile, oil & grapefruit juice. I squeezed one ”stone” between sheets of toilet paper and it looked just like poop. I got out a lot of green slush but isn’t that what you’d get if you took epsom salt for constip ... read more
after the cleanse 18 y
days 1 through 10 after the cleanse
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
day 1
weight 141 lbs
my first day with no lemonade. i feel great. the OJ tastes like heaven. a little too sweet so i watered it down. i don’t feel hungry and may do the ”OJ only” for three days. I’m working every day so it’ll be a lot easier to start with the veggie soup on my day off. i have loads of energy today and started a clean-up project that’s been bugging me for months. later i’ll start reading one of those raw food livestyle books and that would be it for my first day. i have some backpain but i’m sure that’s because i never get more than 5 or 6 hrs of ... read more
still cleansing 18 y
days 19 through 21
Saturday, June 02, 2007
day 19
weight: 144.5 lbs
only 2.5 days left on this cleanse. I’m so looking forward to being done. I was just picturing biting into a delicious green apple or having a perfect green salad with avocado, broccoli ect and I can’t even imagine wanting to eat that. I remember that it tastes good but I have zero desire for it. The reason I’m looking forward to being done is so that I can start my healthy eating habits. I guess i’m a little worried that i won’t be able to follow through for a long time. Right now i have the perfect mindset, but who knows what if ... read more
21 days of cleansing 18 y
day 1 through 18 of my 21 day journey
Saturday, May 12, 2007
just found out about this web site. my plan is to start on Monday, May 14. I have 30 pounds to lose. I plan on doing this by doing the master cleanse also known as the lemonade diet. I’ve done this once before for 10 days and lost over 15 pounds. And gained it back just as quickly. This time i’m prepared for the back gain but i plan on gaining back only half and then doing weight watchers on my own.
I used to weigh 200 pounds, lost 55 pounds on atkins and gained back 27 pounds. Then at 172 pounds i started weight watchers, lost 44 pounds and was at my goal we ... read more