Juicing / Fasting once again
by redfizz

Day 2   18 y  
Did I have the flu, a detox, or a reaction to eating???
I knew when I ate Wednesday night that my body was not genuinely hungry. But I was helping a friend with a dinner party who had invited a potential employer, and I simply made the concsious decisi...   read more

Day 1   18 y  
Second time around
Last night I went ahead and ate. However, it is obvious that my body was not done, because I am sick all over. So I am going to continue fasting. What's great is that I don't feel bad or guilty ...   visit the page

Day 7   18 y  
Yeah! A full week.
I am feeling really great. Yesterday, around 3:00, I had a surge of energy. I felt great and refreshed. It's all right on schedule. I am still waiting for the purge of toxins, but I am assuming...   read more

Day 6   18 y  
Yeah! I made it past day 5!
Day 5 has been the thorn in my side. But I finally made it through it. I think my first cleanse really started to take affect yesterday. I found that I was getting very cranky, moody, emotionall...   read more

Day 3,4 and 5   18 y  
Day five seems to be the beginning of the cleanse.
Days three and four were great! I made sure that I did not excersise to conserve energy. Also, I am finding that taking the multi-vitamin each day has made all the difference in the world when it...   read more

Day 2   18 y  
Not doing too terribly bad
Hey there, It's day two, and I am having my normal hunger pangs. No big deal. Last time I tried this, I was suffering from feeling like I was depleted of minerals and vitamins. This time, I a...   read more

Day 1 again   18 y  
Stupid Chinese left-overs.... I am going to start this again.   visit the page

Day 1   18 y  
Trying again in October 2007
It's time to try the fast again. I am not doing well when it comes to will power. I need all of the support that I can get. Please. I have gained ~15lbs since March. That's when I slowly s...   visit the page

Broke my fast   18 y  
Broke my fast...Some lessons learned
I appreciate your comments, #75532.  That gave me some insight into why I was unable to keep going.  I finally gave in at day five.  Day five must be the big hump. Anyway, I am appreciative for what I did gain through this little experience: I realized that a lot of my eating was because I was bored, not hungry. I need to stay away from sugar! Raw is the only way to go.  I do have my exceptions like a toasted whole wheat tortilla shell for my avocado pizza, but for the most part, raw. I lost some weight. I need to take vitamins next time I try this.   read more

Day 5   18 y  
Another day closer
It’s day 5.  Yesterday evening was really rough.  I was talking to a friend, and all he talked about was food.  I finally had to ask him to stop and told him that he was making me hungry.  And what was even more irritating was that I was not  hungry   read more

Day 4   18 y  
Doing much better this morning.
Yesterday was a little rough.  I was so extremely tired from both the cleanse and not getting enough sleep the night before.  I had two co-workers ask if I was okay.  I had some extreme hunger pangs, and it was a little difficult to deal with my cravings.  Oh, and I checked out my BMI last night, and it was much lower just as I had expected.  It was 24.6%.  I feel pretty good today.  I ended up going to bed at 7:30 last night, then woke up at 9:00, watched a show, then slept until 6:45 this morning.  I feel great!  I am now losing ~1lb a day, which I am assuming means that my system ...   read more

Day 3   18 y  
All the "ness's" are starting to show themselves...ugh!
I really struggled last night. I wanted to eat for the sake of eating. Every now and then I would get strong hunger pangs. I am really cantankerous, and I have a good friend that I am not very patient with right now-not that he deserves to be treated poorly. But he is being so patient with me. I wish everyone had a friend as great as him. Today I am 137.0/29.6%. Silly BMI. Again, it all depends on your water intake. I will check my BMI on the scale tonight again. It usually goes down in the evening depending on how hydrated I am. I did, however, take my before pics for this ...   read more

Day 2 of Juice Fast   18 y  
So far so good
Today is day 2.  I am not doing too badly.  It’s a pain to get back into the swing of juicing in the morning.  I forgot how time consuming it can be.  Plus I am taking my liver/gallbladder herbs for the big cleanse. Some problems I am already running into: I am finding that I have picked up the bad habit of simply picking up and eating food without any thought.  I have discovered this, because I came across a cookie, and before I knew it, it was almost through my lips.  I didn’t even realize it.  It had to ask myself, "How did it get here?& ...   read more

Trying to juice fast once more   18 y  
Day 1 of second attempt
I am trying to start my second juice fast once again.  Obviously I didn’t go through with the first attempt in June.  This fast is for the same reasons I originally stated in the first entry of this blog.  I am still a little irritable, sleepy, forgetful.  I also started eating sugar again, which is so devastating to my overall health!  I have finally noticed a correlation between sugar and a bad mood.  It never fails! Anyway, again, I need your support.  The following is my baseline: Moody Cannot think clearly Loose track of thoughts Cannot wake up in t ...   read more

First day of my fast   18 y  
I am starting my second major juice fast and I need all of the support I can get.
Hello.  I am starting my juice fast this morning.  I completed a 40-day fast last year, and it was the most amazing experience.  I no longer have hypothyroidism and lost a great deal of weight.  My head finally became clear, I was no longer moody, and I only experienced depression when I ate the wrong item.  (I have been able to identify which foods cause the depression and avoid them.) Why I am juicing again For the most part, I have been able to keep the weight off by eating a mainly raw diet.  But I started eating what my friend eats a ...   read more


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I need to support of others to make it through this juice. more...

Last Activity: 18 y ago
15 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
12 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 89,417 times
Created: 18 y   May 28 2007


9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

Hulda Clark cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...

Comments (10 of 12):
Re: Day 1 redfizz 18 y
Re: Day 1 violet16g 18 y
10 day juice fast #75532 18 y
doing great! cloud gate 18 y
We're on the right… natur… 18 y
Re: go for it redfizz 18 y
go for it ausjulie 18 y
hey healthylife 18 y
good luck pinknblue 18 y
Edited juicer girl 18 y
All Comments (12)

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Fasting & Detox: Juicing for …  16 y  (50)
40 Day Juicing Detox  16 y  (37)
Juice Fasting 2011  14 y  (14)
Candida and Coconut Oil  16 y  (4)
40 Day Bicycling Commitment f…  16 y  (3)

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