A Great Life Lesson 18 y
Just lovely
Thought I’d share this.....
An Inspirational Message -
A Great Life Lesson
by Josh Mitchell, Grandville Michigan ©2007
During the waning years of the depression in a small Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller’s roadside stand for farm fresh produce as the season made it available. Food and money were still extremely scarce and bartering was used extensively.
One day Mr. Miller was bagging some early potatoes for me. I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily appraising a basket of freshly picked green peas.
I paid for my p ... read more
Day 8 and I feel g-g-grreat! 18 y
La la land
Woo hoo!! I’m almost there!! I feel so much better than I did last night. I actually had a surge of energy last night around 9. I woke up this morning and felt even better. I know this sounds weird, but I like it when I feel like crap, it lets me know something is happening.
It’s the final countdown (I thik I hear Europe playing) and I’m so excited!!!! I know some people feel sad about it ending but don’t. I’m stoked!!! I can’t wait for some beautiful, delicious orange juice. OOHHH. O.J.
Alright, enough of that, or I won’t make it.
I went to the store today and picke ... read more
Day 7 18 y
Here we go again.
I have been sooo tired today. I pretty muched cat napped all day, even after sleeping in. I really had a full agenda too, but I decided to listen to my body and just chill.
I’m still nursing my b/f back to health, which has been a blessing. I know that sounds terrible, but it’s the truth. Ususally around this time we go into relaxation mode. Which consists of cocktails and smoke. With him sick, he’s not doing any of it, so less temptation around. YAY.
All in all, today was boring. I feel tired, cranky, slightly ill and un-motivated. I guess that’s to be expected o ... read more
Meditation 18 y
Meditation can be used for a variety of things. It is beneficial for your health, both mentally and physically, to clear the mind at least three times a day. Sit for a minute or two and totally empty your mind. Let all of the day’s stress, worries, and thoughts flow out. Once the mind is clear, fill it now with positive thoughts. If you do this three times a day, your life and your health will greatly improve. Nothing comes overnight, however. One must always keep in mind that nothing is ”instant,” and that the benefits attained from doing anything good are not immediately apparent.
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Day 6 18 y
Better be careful what I wish ......
Today, I am still nursing my b/f back to health. I went to the store and got all kinds of fruit to juice and cut up fresh for him. It was hard when I was making him a huge fruit bowl not to pick up the fruit and eat it. MMMMMM.
Also, I have been debating on how long to do this cleanse. I kept going back and forth from 10 to 15 days. Today, I decided. My b/f’s family will be coming into town from NY on the 16th and I don’t want to be on a cleanse while the are here. Also, My b/f’s grandfather will be here on the 16th for one day only. It’s my first time meeting him and I am goin ... read more
Motivation 18 y
Some thoughts that keeps me inspired.
If you can keep your head when all about you
are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
but make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
and yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream-and not make dreams your master,
if you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;
if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
and treat those two impostors just the same;
if you can bear to hear the truth you’ve s ... read more
Thinking ahead.... 18 y
Get naked
I finished my walk and never got to my yoga. Instead, I find myself thinking ahead....
My b/f is sick today so I am nursing him back to health. I made him my special chicken and rice soup. He re-named it ”get naked soup”. He says it is so spicy that it makes you take all your clothes off. I must admit, depending on the weather, it does. I have several varieties I like to make. I have the one I made today, spanish chicken soup, or this other asian one. Both are great for colds and both can be made VERY SPICY or mildly hot.
Anyway, making the soup got me thinking of what I was going to m ... read more
Day 5 on Cinco De'Mayo
18 y
Am I out of my mind?
I had no idea that my fast was going to run through Cinco De’ Mayo!! What was I thinking??
I love Mexican everything. Enchiladas, margaritas, tacos, margaritas, Corona, strawberry margaritas, guacomole, watermelon margaritas. Damn. Here I am saying ”I love being prepared”. Uh huh. I wasn’t really, now was I? What a chump.
Just kidding. I really do love Cinco De Mayo though.
I used the last of my lemons this morning and I only have a smidge of maple syrup left. I debated on going to the store or not. I was going to wait and just go in the morning but I wasn’t sure what tim ... read more
What the @#$% ? 18 y
This is so scary.
I was surfin the web and I stumbled across this website.
Has any one else heard of this? I am so furious right now. What is this, Russia? Shouldn’t we all have the right to choose who, where and how we get our treament?
Like I JUST SAID in my last post, the doctors were making me sicker and sicker and sicker. Robbing me blind all the while. I’m disgusted. I have to do more research on this. If anyone reads this and knows anything, please advise. We CAN’T LET THIS HAPPEN. read more
What a wonderful feeling!!! 18 y
Day 4 brought an un expected joy.
My girlfriend says we are on a divine path and that everything has already been planned out for us. She also says that if you want something just think about it and it will happen. My gilfirend says a lot of things.....
Today was a weird day for me. I don’t speak to my parents. I havent spoken to my parents since a little before my first fast 6 months ago. Well that said, my parents introduced me to a holistic woman a couple of years ago. She helped me battle a problem that I had been having for years. I constantly had urinary tract infections and yeast infections. When I say con ... read more
Day 3 18 y
My bootie makes loud doodie.
Early this morning my worst fear happened. It was around 3 a.m. and I woke up with the urge to go. Yippee. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to have explosive b/m’s with the whole house so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I had to go so bad I didn’t have time to turn on the shower or anything. So... I woke my boyfriend up. He was laughing hysterically, and with no shortage of funny remarks. That only made it worse because I was laughing and making my stomach clench even more. Jeez. Why don’t I hear of other people going through this? Is my house the only house so immature? Probably so.
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My "black heart"
My "black heart"
My "black heart" 18 y
Can I cleanse it?
When I was 13 I was dating this boy whose Mom was a psychic. She told me that she could see that I had a ”black heart with good intentions”. I’m not sure what that means to this day, but I still think about it from time to time. I want to be a good person but I have so much anger. I’ll ge mad at something and I’ll say to myself ”let it go, just let it go” or I’ll even try to meditate or pray. Nothing seems to work for me. I’m hostile and I hate it about me. If you knew me, you’d think I was ”the sweetest girl” but if you REALLY knew me, I don’t know what you’d think.
I am reall ... read more
Taking Time for Myself 18 y
Do I need It!
I’ve noticed that when I am fasting I take better care of myself. I mean to say, I take more time for myself. Why is that? It’s not as if I have more time, I just take it. Why can’t I do that in my everyday life. It’s like me not eating, drinking, or smoking gives me the right to take the time for myself I need. Weird. I guess that’s why I called this a vacation, because I actually give myself little get-a-ways to do the things that make me happy (i.e body brushing, masks, oil pulling). It’s nice and I’ll have to try to do better in my everyday life. Like maybe when I go to the fridge out ... read more
Day 1 18 y
I love being prepared
Today, I’m happy to say, was a great day. My preperations started yesterday, I had a salad last night for dinner. And before I went to bed I was very careful when I made my laxative tea. Sometimes I forget and let it steep too long which sucks because I think it causes cramping. More than anything though, I knew what to expect, so it was much easier this time. The last time I was woken up at 4 a.m. to terrible stomach cramps and the quick realization that I HAD TO GO!! It scared me really. I sprinted to the spare bathroom because I didn’t want to wake my boyfriend up. My goodness am I gla ... read more
Well today is the day!! 18 y
Have a Great Day!!
This is my second time doing the Master Cleanse and I’m really excited. I’ve decided that this time, I’m going to try and make it not just about cleansing my body, but also trying to cleanse some of the anger and hostility I’ve been feeling lately. I really enjoy life and all that it has to offer. I guess thats why I started fasting to begin with...I want to be here for a very long time. Happy and healthy. As of late though, I don’t feel as though I am either. I am un-happy and therefore doing un-healthy things.
SOOO, today is the day for me to start my personal journey. My vacation from ... read more