Put Recovered Blogs here on this site
#'s 2436-#2168 18 y
I will store my recovered blogs
on this Blog site, the ones that
went down. There are 268 blogs
that will go in here.
8:48 AM
Easter Morning
April 8, 07
This was the last blog before the Crash?
What # was it????
See if I can recover it myself.
what did Ana and Torrie teach me..???
page 49
Quanto Tiempo Mas? 5 h
Quanto Tiempo Mas? 5 h
Crisis=Opportunity. Spring cleanup can be done... and do wnat can be done here now. Thank you.
Cannot locate Blog...
had to do with When Will EG Mobile be done down at Sunset...
# was 2436
Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener , Page 49
RSVP with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman at Plantyourdream @cox.net ... read more
Lost Comments Page 49 18 y
Lost Comments...
January early to the April 1, crash...
12:37 PM
April 13, 07
Jensen by chef jem 72 h
The SGR Program and Mar… by stevensek 3 d
raking fee by ren 7 d
Thanks Leslie, the boot… by GodLife 8 d
’deadlines’ by ren 10 d
answer by #78676 12 d
Re: Food Justice photos… by yourenchant… 15 d
Food Justice photos??? by eltomato 15 d
Day Three--Message from… by #755 17 d
wonderful! by ren 18 d
Re: The Secret behind t… by YourEnchant… 18 d
Beautiful photos! by Liora Leah 18 d
Re: The Secret behind t… by Liora Leah 18 d
The Secret behind the s… by harpolove 18 d
I’ll see you tomorrow!T… by #46522 20 d
this ... read more
Istock Photos 18 y
Istock Photos
A place to sell my photos.
Joined Istock today.
11:19 PM
March 19, 07
Istock Photos
A place to sell my photos.
Joined Istock today.
11:19 PM
March 19, 07
Doing some web surfing in between
completing some photos to complete.
Signed up for this...
likely a place to market some of my photos...
Referral program:
What they want and do not want:
Dear YourEG :
Welcome to iStock. You are now a member of the most exciting image community in the world. We hope you’re going to spend a lot of time here, so log i ... read more
Love Letter to Joe The Farmer Artwork
replace! 18 y
Love Letter to Joe The Farmer Artwork
Love Letter to Joe The Farmer Artwork by Leslie Goldman #YourEnchantedGardener #PlantYourDreamBlog
read more
Dr. Bernard Jensen 99th Birthday Event Schedule 18 y
Dr. Bernard Jensen 99th Birthday Event Schedule,
pages, viewed 167,493 times
viewed 83 times Alert Webmaster
Dr. Bernard Jensen 99th Birthday Event Schedule
Event Schedule for March 25th.
Dr. Bernard Jensen’s 99th Birthday Party
and 100 Rakes for Health Gathering.
This is the Event and time schedule for
the March 25th
100 Rakes for Health
Dr Bernard Jensen 99th Birthday Party Celebration.
Schedule for 100 Rakes for Health
March 25th and Dr. Bernard Jensen’s
99th Birthday Party Celebration
8 AM-9 PM at the new Hidden Valley Health Ranch
& Spa, above ... read more
Keeping the Dream Alive! Bernard Jensen 18 y
Keeping the Dream Alive! Bernard Jensen
viewed 166,457 times
viewed 119 times
Keeping the Dream Alive! Bernard Jensen
Dr. Bernard Jensen’s birthday is March 25, 2005. His work is about to take a quantum leap again. I am starting an ”Virus Marketing” today to spread the word that Hidden Valley Health Ranch is for sale. I am asking people to call Tom Wootton, the present owner, at 760.749.5719, and express your support that this land come into good hands that continues Dr. Jensen’s legacy. This is the third day of the Natural Products Expo West. I am moving into Enchanted Ga ... read more
Raking for Health Begins March 25! 18 y
8:31 AM
March 21, 07
Raking for Health Begins March 25!
Stephen Markowitz introduces
The Rake Dance @ Dr. Jensen's
fabulous Birthday Party
this Sunday. RSVP with
Your Enchanted Gardener,
Leslie Goldman at Plantyourdream
@cox.net, or call him now
at 619.582.9669 to let us
knowing you and your guests
plan to attend.
8:31 AM
viewed 166,803 times
viewed 39 times
Raking for Health Begins March 25!
Stephen Markowitz introduces
The Rake Dance @ Dr. Jensen’s
fabulous Birthday Party
this Sunday. RSVP with
Your Enchanted Gardener,
Leslie Goldman at Plantyourdream
@cox.net, or call him now
at 619.582.9669 to let us
knowing you and your guests
plan to attend.
8:31 AM
March 21, 07
Raking for Health,
the new In Dance Sport
envisioned by Corporate Party Hat
Maker Stephen Markowitz, entrepreneur and
visionary, begins this coming Sunday
at his New ... read more
Hulda Clark Speaks 18 y
Hulda Clark Speaks
viewed 167,185 times
viewed 70 times
Hulda Clark Speaks
Hulda Clark is a speaker
this weekend at the
Health Freedom Expo in
Long Beach. I see
Clinton Miller is on
that program.
12:07 PM
March 1, 2007
Just looking over the website for
Whitman Publications.
I heard from Lynda Clay,
who worked the front office for
Dr. Bernard Jensen for four years,
and 19 more with son Art Jensen
that ”The Chemistry of Man,”
the highly sought after book
where Jensen describes the 16
or is it 20 Chemical Types,
is NOW republished ... read more
Enchanted Gardener Month 18 y
Enchanted Gardener Month
We need to have a national
Enchanted Gardener Appreciation Month.
I will have a conference and invite
various Enchanted Garden Members
to bear witness to how I helped
Chill Out Global Warming.
viewed 31 times
Enchanted Gardener Month
We need to have a national
Enchanted Gardener Appreciation Month.
I will have a conference and invite
various Enchanted Garden Members
to bear witness to how I helped
Chill Out Global Warming.
February 27, 2007
3 :14 PM
Just got out of my accupuncture appointment.
I am down here at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Library
in Mission Valley.
Did you know that a few days after ”The Secret”
was on Oprah, she had here first ever acupuncture on the show
by a student in the ... read more
Sammy...a life in photos 18 y
Sammy...a life in photos
Sammy...a Life
in Photos. I have
watched Sammy grow
up at the Farmers' Market.
She is a very bright young
teen now, 13 years of age.
She is Australia bound for
a trip this Summer.
I would like to set up a
Paypal for a scholarship
for her trip on the Friend
of the Farm site.
5:59 AM
February 13,
viewed 167,418 times
viewed 51 times
Sammy...a life in photos
Sammy...a Life
in Photos. I have
watched Sammy grow
up at the Farmers’ Market.
She is a very bright young
teen now, 13 years of age.
She is Australia bound for
a trip this Summer.
I would like to set up a
Paypal for a scholarship
for her trip on the Friend
of the Farm site.
5:59 AM
February 13, 07
Sammy, February 25, 2007
Hillcrest Farmers” Market, San Diego, California
Going back to bed.
I have been up for an hour.
It is starting to rain ... read more
Strawberry Love 18 y
Strawberry Love
strawberry Love.
Marcelo feeds Sandra
one of Joe the Farmer's
berries on a day
of magic and flow.
7:55 PM
February 26, 07
viewed 167,848 times
viewed 36 times
Strawberry Love
strawberry Love.
Marcelo feeds Sandra
one of Joe the Farmer’s
berries on a day
of magic and flow.
7:55 PM
February 26, 07
Had an extraordinary day at the Farmers’ Market yesterday.
Spent about two hours with Joe Rodriguez, Jr.
AKA Joe the Farmer in the book I am writing.
Had some deep insights into what it feels
like to be working with the flow of life
vs against the flow.
Magic was happening.
As soon as I thought something a number of times,
w ... read more
Conscious Cards
18 y
Conscious Cards
Need to Find
my Organic Celebration
postcard. Much work
done. Haven't thought
of how I was receive back.
11:51 AM
February 27, 07
167,683 times
viewed 39 times
Conscious Cards
Need to Find
my Organic Celebration
postcard. Much work
done. Haven’t thought
of how I was receive back.
11:51 AM
February 27, 07
Yesterday was three days in one.
I definitely had Spirit and Grace working with me.
Things could have been so much worse,
if that is anything to be grateful about.
I am grateful.
I am checking in with the three people
I have been sending photos to via CD last week
and email yesterday.
Check that, there were four Clients I was mailing ... read more
Enchanted Gardener Month
18 y
Enchanted Gardener Month
We need to have a national
Enchanted Gardener Appreciation Month.
I will have a conference and invite
various Enchanted Garden Members
to bear witness to how I helped
Chill Out Global Warming.
February 27, 2007
3 :14 PM
viewed 166,381 times
viewed 31 times
Enchanted Gardener Month
We need to have a national
Enchanted Gardener Appreciation Month.
I will have a conference and invite
various Enchanted Garden Members
to bear witness to how I helped
Chill Out Global Warming.
February 27, 2007
3 :14 PM
Just got out of my accupuncture appointment.
I am down here at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Library
in Mission Valley.
Did you know that a few days after ”The Secret”
was on Oprah, she had here first ever acupuncture on the sho ... read more
"Perfect! Thank You!" 18 y
"Perfect! Thank You!"
Amy Summers
of Pitch Inc,
A Publicity Company
said it was "Perfect!
Thank You!"
She asked for Spinach.
Joe had some at the
Farmers' Market
two days later.
I took that photo.
The rest is history.
6:41 AM
March 1, 07
viewed 32 times
”Perfect! Thank You!”
Amy Summers
of Pitch Inc,
A Publicity Company
said it was ”Perfect!
Thank You!”
She asked for Spinach.
Joe had some at the
Farmers’ Market
two days later.
I took that photo.
The rest is history.
Photo of Spinach
to follow!
Eat this for now!
Broccoli Crowns, food grown by Joe Rodriguez, Jr., Hillcrest Farmers’ Market,
February 25, 2007.
6:41 AM
March 1, 07
on 2/27/07 5:32 AM, Amy Summers at
Perfect! T ... read more
Harmony Between Farmers 18 y
Harmony Between Farmers,
by Zoebess
Subject: Harmony Between Farmers
From: Zoebess | All Zoebess’s Messages |
Date: 4/5/2007 11:02:53 PM ( 5 d ago ) ...
visit the page
Twilight Left Me--A Poem 18 y
Twilight Left Me--A Poem
A poem about Self Worth
by Leslie with a little
help from Your Enchanted Gardener
5:56 PM
February 26, 07
?) of
equipment not working as it is suppose to.
I am looking at the most incredible
photo of Marcelo being kissed.
he is holding a strawberry in hand
and was about to feed her.
When he did the sunshine burst out.
Did you see that I asked.
”I did not see it until you pointed it out.
She looked at my images.
You are quite a photographer.
YOu could be making major money
from your images.
Then she asked, would I mail her these
that I took.
I told her the photography was how
I covered my bills.
”I would like a contribution.”
I did not want to be crass,
sayin ... read more
OTA Communications and Feedback 18 y
OTA Communications and Feedback
OTA Communications and Feedback (the url looked different~I pasted text to this one)
by Zoebess
read more
Support from Olympus 18 y
Support from Olympus
Words of Praise
from Olympus for
my Olympus C5050.
3:20 PM
March 1, 07
viewed 168,191 times
viewed 32 times Alert Webmaster
Support from Olympus
Words of Praise
from Olympus for
my Olympus C5050.
3:20 PM
March 1, 07
Dave Goularte, from UPS just stopped by
with two packages. Dave works for UPS.
I made a new friend. He was delivering
to me my repaired Olympus C5050,
and the box of Colostroplex, Quiet Digestion,
and Six Gentlemen from Health Concerns.
We was interested in my work, so I told him.
This day is not going as I imagined--yet,
but Abundance and flow is ... read more
Cultivating Food Justice March 3 18 y
Cultivating Food Justice March 3
Cultivating Food Justice Conference
preparations need to be done today.
10:43 AM
March 2, 2007
viewed 166,975 times
viewed 27 times
Cultivating Food Justice March 3
Cultivating Food Justice Conference
preparations need to be done today.
10:43 AM
March 2, 2007
A page from
”The Comeback of Joe the Farmer”
Harmony Between Farmers-
was inspired by the Cultivating
Food Justice Conference.
Initial Blog
on this important Conference is here:
on the phone with Joann,
a Volunteer for the C ... read more
Chilling Out Global Warming 18 y
Chilling Out Global Warming
Went to Garden...
started to write this...
for the Curezone E-book.
Call came in...needed that...
Off purpose...and want to
go to a meeting..
3:33 PM
February 28, 07
viewed 29
Chilling Out Global Warming
Went to Garden...
started to write this...
for the Curezone E-book.
Call came in...needed that...
Off purpose...and want to
go to a meeting..
3:33 PM
February 28, 07
The Man Made technology
I depend on daily has been acting out the last couple hours.
I am standing here looking out the Window of the kitchen.
At a distance I can see the Barley grains first showing up,
and the Borage--that I look at closely this morning--
putting out three purple flowers.
In the days when you and ... read more
Digital Recovery 18 y
Digital Recovery
This Digital Recovery
Program has worked for
me twice with important jobs.
Twice not, but I am looking into
why. Will contact the company.
February 28, 07
2:19 PM
viewed 167,317 times
viewed 25 times Alert Webmaster
Digital Recovery
This Digital Recovery
Program has worked for
me twice with important jobs.
Twice not, but I am looking into
why. Will contact the company.
February 28, 07
2:19 PM
taking another attempt at
digital recovery of a John Bradshaw
picture that I wanted to complete and send
to the Meadows. They were very generous
and traded me to do some photos last year.
I am working on this between the priorities.
Had good results the first time two days again
wh ... read more
Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back 18 y
Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back
Signage needed
still. Organize
first what I have.
10:27 AM
March 2, 2007
viewed 166,887 times
viewed 35 times Alert Webmaster
Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back
Signage needed
still. Organize
first what I have.
10:27 AM
March 2, 2007
Two days to go of real time
preparation for Results I want to see
from the NPEW.
What materials for the
”The Comeback of Joe the Farmer”
do I want in hand?
What pages of the Children’s book are done?
These are online here on the Plant Your Dream Blog.
There is one OTA page that is not up.
There are numbers of pages to print.
I need to review these.
Be ... read more
Piggie Year--I am a Pig 18 y
Piggie Year--I am a Pig
My friend Marina Lighthouse
has charms for this year
of the Pig. I am going
to get one. She is a great
Feng Shui teacher, very sincere.
6:50 PM
March 1, 07
viewed 166,922 times
viewed 36 times Alert Webmaster
Piggie Year--I am a Pig
My friend Marina Lighthouse
has charms for this year
of the Pig. I am going
to get one. She is a great
Feng Shui teacher, very sincere.
6:50 PM
March 1, 07
Got an email from Marina Lighthouse.
I am wearing one of the amulets right now
on my pants buckle.
It really helps me focus on energy.
One trains me to be open to meeting important
people at events. It helps me overcome how
vulnerable I feel at times. It is something
I do in my tra ... read more
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