Chakras made EZ 19 y
Understanding the chakras in an easy way, as how they are interlinked energetically exactly as the spinal system is interlinked electrically to our bodies.
Basic chakra understanding made easy
Each chakra is associated with particular organs, glands and nerve plexuses.
Each chakra is also associated with certain states of conciousness.
The 7 chakras function in union, as do the the organs, glands, nerves and other systems of our bodies.
Just like in your physical body; the chakras may be weak, strong, balanced or imbalanced.
Just as a massage can soothe an aching muscle, or a right nutrient can stimulate a gland, so also can a chakra be stimulated.
Why bother? Bringing chakras ... read more
Awaken 3rd Eye =BLISS Ez/learn 20 y
Exercises easily done to awaken the 3rd Eye or pineal gland,
also known as the 6th chakra
I welcome you to visit my site, Wrenn’s Web
blog message by Wrenn/ Ami joi Benton: Curezone Team Member
3rd Eye Awakening Exercise
From: Lapis Lapis Links
Date: 3/29/2004 R (Message recommended by moderator)
Please read all of the following;
if you wish to perform this exercise
You need to understand what you will be doing.
It is important to follow the instructions
as this is very advanced:
The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra;
the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead
above the brows. It is closely as ... read more
Observing Auras 20 y
Learning to see and understand Auras, including color meanings:
By learning to see auras, you can increase your sensitivity and intuition, detect and stop stress, cleanse, strengthen and protect your own aura, and even use it to help select foods,and or/in plant and animal care, to help keep them in optimal health also.
Everyone has an aura.
Anyone can learn to see and experience the aura easily.
There is nothing *magical* about this.
The aura is basically the energy field that surrounds all matter.
Anything that has an atomic structure will have an aura.
The atoms of animate life are more active than inanimate matter.
This makes it easier to detect the auras of trees,
plants, animals, foods, and people.
The human aura is the energy field that surrounds the physical body.
It surrounds you in all directions and is 3 dimensional.
In a healthy human it makes an egg shape ao ... read more
Dream Interpretations 20 y
Symbols in dreams and meanings to consider:
Dreams always apply to YOU and how YOU are dealing in your inner self
with conflicts that are surfacing. the only exception is in visionary
precognitive dreams.
Every person that appears in a dream is supposed to represent an aspect of one’s Self, and not actually be about that other person at all; rather, it is a quality or characteristic about that person that your dream is focusing on, and how it applies to YOU. Try to think about what aspect(s) this could be. It can be something you admire and wish to emulate and incorporate into your own personality, or it could be a more negative characteristic that you may dislike intensely in your waking life, but which is telling you something about yourself and your beliefs, judgements, & att ... read more