Day 5 18 y
Actually updates on day 3 and 4
Alright didnt get time to update for day 3 and 4, but here goes:
Day 3: First day back at work, requires physical labor, but I made it thoguh, I came to realize I need to make more the lemonade, and to bring at least 20 oz with me to work to hold me over
had a BM at work, it really stung down there! its the cayenne, and it all that came out along with some brown ooze-ish looking liquid and of course the butt pee
Day 4: Went out today, and finished reading SB’s master cleanse I got my previous questions all answered...drank alot more water today and did the SWF with se ... read more
Day 2, post LF 18 y
Day 2
Painful liver flush this morning (did the Clark method) stones out, and green sludge...and felt terribly sick afterwards for about 3 hours
Think it could have went better (couldnt even do 4th Epsom dose, began to hurl)...but still managed to get crap out
got my organic maple syrup (grade B), organic lemons, and cayenne powder (40000 htus)
made the concoction twice only so far (its now 8pm eastern), each time 10 fluid ounces, guess I haven been to hungry today, but drinking alot of water as well visit the page
Alright, here I am, going to start today...but will LF first 18 y
It begins...hopefully I can clean it all out
Ok, here it all starts, I will actually be doing a Liver Flush first today...then start the actual juice MC fast tomorrow...will keep you all updated, thanks!
Oh and if some can please answer some of my questions on the first message...thanks visit the page
Pre-cleanse, 2 days left 19 y
2 more days left
Ok, just getting more info down on the cleanse...still have those prior questions if anyone wants to chime in...
I have been eating alot for my last few days....I fear I am going to lose alot of muscle mass...which kind of upsets me, as I worked hard for it...
I will be staying active throughout the fast...I hope I do not get too fatigued
Will keep you guys posted, thanks. visit the page
Alright, pre-cleanse (3 days until MC)..some questions 19 y
Gonna clean my insides, via MC and LF
Ok here is a little background:
I am a 23 year old male, born and raised in the US, from the northeast
175lbs 11% bodyfat, 6’2.5”, lean to muscular build (work out 4-5 days a week, but not so much lately because school, was upto 185lbs with 10% bodyfat)
Growing up I had a poor diet, even though I amn vegetarian, drank tons of whole milk, alot of hydrogenated fats, chips, fried foods, starchy low quality grains, cheese, pizza, corn oil cooked foods etc
At 17 I started to get a slight yellowing (jaundice) of the sclera of my didnt really yellow, but then again my skin ... read more