Drugs suck 18 y
Since changing my eating habits and making sure I get a good night's sleep, I've improved substantially without drugs.
It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything here, and a lot has changed. After I wrote the last entry, I continued with the conventional drugs for a bit, but then began feeling like a zombie. I was really confused about what to do but ended up throwing the pills out. It took about a week or so to feel like myself again. Finally, I began feeling much better. The pills may have helped me get over a bout of depression but then they made me feel sick. Now I feel a whole lot better without any drugs. I’m still brewing Kombucha tea and drinking it daily, which is like a godsend to me. I ... read more
The Coward's Way Out? 18 y
You can't outright reject drugs that help you feel better, just because you think it's 'wrong' or that you're weak for taking them.
Sometimes you have to just go with conventional medicine and bite back your feelings of being weak or ashamed or whatever else you feel about taking ’drugs.’ So that’s what I did. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time--being unable to sleep, and the little sleep I got was not refreshing at all. I woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a truck. My body hurts all the time, even doing the smallest of tasks. My neck, lower back, hips and legs ache whenever I do any kind of housework, which makes me feel depressed and useless, which leads to deeper feelings of guilt and ... read more
Psychic vampires . . . ? 18 y
I don't know if it's a physical thing-- if my iron's low again, or what, or if it's something else . . . like being vamped by something . . .
I’ve been doing some more reading/studying about energies; what they are, how they manifest, how to control what you allow into your ’bubble,’ etc., and the reason is, ever since childhood, I’ve been sensitive to other peoples’ emotions, and have been able to pick up on things going on with everyone around me, and just ’around me’ in general. It’s hard at times to separate other peoples’ ’vibes’ from what belongs exclusively to me. Well, we moved to our current house about three years ago, and from day one, there’ve been strange things going on. Here are some of the things that have bee ... read more
Recovered blog entries 18 y
Recovered blog posts
Thanks for showing me how to retrieve my blog entries. Instead of reposting them all on different pages, I’ll just post them all here. I think they might be out of order, but at least they’re here.
Heal Yourself If Possible
And then again, there’s unseen forces at work to screw with our natural ability to heal ourselves . . .
Maybe it’s really simple-- everything. Life is about healing yourself. That’s it, because when you’re whole, happy, peaceful, balanced, fulfilled, and above all, faithful to yourself, you have so much more to give others.
And everyone know ... read more
Nothing's Wrong With Me! It's 'THEM'
18 y
Did you know it takes an hour for a shrink to know your child well enough to label her, then try to shove poison down her throat and screw with her brain chemistry?
Nothing’s Wrong With Me! It’s ’THEM’
Did you know it takes an hour for a shrink to know your child well enough to label her, then try to shove poison down her throat and screw with her brain chemistry?
Okay, now I’m mad. It’s more than obvious that the FDA is having a blast at our expense. I know that isn’t news, but I guess it finally hit home with me. My daughter has had some emotional problems, which, by the way, are due to the chemicals they pump in the foods we eat. I realize that now. Fearing for her, I took her to a shrink. The shrink talked to us for an hour and in that hou ... read more
Progress Report (Recovered entry) 18 y
Diagnose me . . .
Progress Report!
It’s been a few days since I last posted anything here, and in that time, things have improved somewhat.
Hi everyone!
It’s been a few days since I last posted anything here, and in that time, things have improved somewhat. I’ve been taking H202 baths (*2 cups storebrand hydrogen peroxide*) with Epsom salts, almost daily. My skin is so much softer and clearer, and because the skin absorbs the H202, I’ve noticed a marked increase in ENERGY! Yay!! I’ve still got miles to go in this healing journey of mine, but I feel very encouraged by this. I’ve ordered 35% H202 and ... read more
My Blog Entries Disappeared 18 y
Disappearing blog . . .
I guess I’m not the only one whose blog, or entries in it disappeared. I don’t think I want to continue writing this. I’m grateful to all of you who’ve read and responded to my concerns and views, and offered advice. Be blessed and may you find your ’cures’ and the help you need in life. As for me, for right now, I’ve lost the motivation to keep writing this. It takes a lot of energy to put yourself out there, risking whatever . . . but to see my entries mysteriously disappear is just discouraging to me. I’ll likely start a new blog here on Cure Zone in the future. Take care.
Faran visit the page
Gotta Be Kinder . . . 18 y
Down Day . . .
Hi There,
I finally had a ’real’ day, yesterday. I cleaned my house, made an awesome supper, and felt like I was ’here’ for a change, instead of spaced out and foggy. But then today, I woke up feeling like I’d never even slept, and immediately felt defeated and depressed. It’s 2:30, and I feel so drained and exhausted . . . sigh. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude, even if I feel so bad. It’s like this ’higher me’ is saying, ”hang in there . . . it’s gonna get better.” So that’s what I’m listening to, instead of the discouraged emotions I’m feeling. It’s gonna take time, plai ... read more
Knowledge really is power! 19 y
Found some biological dentists! Chelation & Threelac Coming up!
Hi There!
Thank the ’universe’ for the Internet. I don’t know what I would do if not for all the amazing information I’ve been able to gather about my ’condition’ from so many websites, my mind’s boggled . . . in a good way for a change. lol
I spent hours so far, just reading all about mercury poisoning, candida, and chronic fatigue, and now I finally have that gut YES about what’s really going on with me. That’s a relief, in and of itself, but now that I have a handle on the ’diagnose myself’ part, I also know what to do-- what steps to take and how to protect myself from further ... read more
Aha! Mercury Poisoning! 19 y
Mercury poisoning the cause of CFS?
I guess it pays to be stuck in bed with no energy for much of anything but surfing/searching for causes of your rigormortis. (sp?) lol
Well, I just came across a fascinating website all about mercury poisoning and CFS:
The more I read, the more convinced I am, that though it may be true-- I have CFS/fibromyalgia, the cause is mercury. Like I’ve said, my mouth was full of mercury by the time I was 8 or 9 years old, and because we had poor dental care back then- Ma couldn’t afford much- I remember suffering with broken molars that had mercury ... read more
In Denial . . . Am I really sick??? 19 y
Should I blindly accept the diagnosis of CFS/Fibromyalgia?
Okay, I woke up this morning with a bit of a different perspective on things. It’s so easy to grab at whatever diagnosis is tossed your way, especially when you’ve been dragging your behind through life for so long. However, now I’m taking a step back, so to speak, just to reevaluate my ’diagnosis.’
First of all, I did the research into CFS on my own, and though the lights went on as I read the symptoms, and though I was excited to see there was an actual physiological cause for my ailments, I’m now second guessing things. For starters, it was me who brought the information to my doc ... read more
Diagnosed with CFS & Fibromyalgia-- But "Effexor" for relief? 19 y
Diagnosed with CFS and Fibromyalgia but is this drug safe?
I had my appointment with my doctor today and it went very well. I’m excited to say, I finally got a real diagnosis . . . CFS. My doctor said that since we’ve ruled out all the other known causes for my chronic fatigue, including Epson Barr Virus (mono), lyme disease, diabetes, etc., and all the other tests have come out fine, he was thinking CFS was the culprit. He also thinks I have fibromyalgia, something I never really considered, but which makes sense, considering my aching, knotted shoulder, neck, and back muscles. Well, I just feel relieved. It’s taken me years to finall ... read more
Desperate Measures 19 y
diagnose me?
Okay, so either I’m crazy or I’m just plain desperate to get some concrete answers. I actually went to Diagnose-Me.com and did the online health questionaire-- about 1,000 questions in total. Whenever there’s more information required about something, there’s more in depth questions provided about that particular thing. Of course, I didn’t realize the results would cost me, until I’d already spent about 2 or 3 hours doing the questionaire . . . but crossed my toes and paid for a comprehensive report, which I haven’t received yet. It takes about 4 business days for them to send it-- sup ... read more
Supplements, etc. 19 y
I ate too much over the past few days so now I’m uncomfortable. My digestive system is screaming at me right about now, so I took it easy on the food today. I’ve been taking Ginseng, Omega 3 6 9 caps, plus cayenne pills over the past few days, which has helped increase my energy somewhat-- enough to get out of bed and actually get some things done around the house and visit relatives. I’ll continue with the supplements because they do help, but I’m still seeing my doctor to discuss my suspicions about what’s wrong with me.
Today’s my 38th birthday, so I think my health should be my m ... read more
Quit date 19 y
quitting smoking
I set my quit date for January 30, ’07 because that’s the day I’m getting my last mercury filling removed and my teeth cleaned. Also, it gives me a month to psyche myself up for the challenge. It wasn’t that hard the last time, which was a shock, but that’s because I used Zyban. Though it’s true that ’belief’ in the product’s ability to help me quit may have greatly contributed to my success-- 6 months smoke free-- the rest of it came directly from within myself. I was ready. I’m getting ready again.
More next time~ visit the page
Quitting Smoking 19 y
Quitting smoking and removing mercury fillings.
I guess the first and most obvious thing to do is quit smoking. Zyban helped me quit the first time-- I was amazed that a little purple pill could put a stop to my 2-3 pack a day/23 year addiction, in a matter of two weeks. I remained ’smoke free’ for over 6 months and should never have started again, however, it seems this is the pattern for smokers- sometimes it takes more than one try.
I noticed a drastic increase in energy and vitality when I quit and an equally drastic decrease in the same, when I restarted the nasty habit. *OBVIOUSLY* cigarette smoke disagrees with my body, the ... read more
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, or Candida? What Can It Be? 19 y
Do I have chronic fatigue syndrome? Is it IBS or crohn's? Maybe it's candida- candidiasis . . . ?
I’m a 38 year-old wife and mom, who’s hit rock bottom. I’m exhausted 24/7; been to umpteen doctors, who run the same old tests and get the same old results: ”Nothing’s wrong with you.”
I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone how frustrating that is. So I did some reading. My main symptoms are the following:
1. Chronic, persistent, debilitating *cyclical* fatigue, for the past 20 years!!!
2. Constant stomach pain- cramps, bloating, nausea, bowel troubles- 20 years!
3. Disgusting, stinky ear discharge that won’t ever go away- 10 years!
4. Severe PMS- 7-10 years
5. Breakthrou ... read more