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- Economics 101 - Money Must Flow by Karlin 13 y
(5 replies) 85,775
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Atheists Becoming Majority by Karlin 13 y
(2 replies) 78,556
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Osama, al Qaeda, WMD - whats real? by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Walking Mindfully by Karlin 14 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Fukushima nuclear contamination continues by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Face Pains with Courage by Karlin 14 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Mindfull Dishwashing by Karlin 14 y
(2 replies) 50,998
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Path of My Life Episode by Karlin 14 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- TV Ads now UNREGULATED for time by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Arab Uprising - Now What? by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- The Human Race is Dividing into Two Camps by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Surviving February by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Compassionate Understanding - Neurological Aspects by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Deep Space Messages 2011 by Karlin 13 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Synchronous Events by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Let Them Eat Their Own Debt - Banksters can be Defeated by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Dr. Gabor Matte - Addictions Video by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Drive on SUNLIGHT - Telsa announces new EV by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Rh Incompatibility in the 1950s - Long Term Consequences by Karlin 11 y
(13 replies) 15,445
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Magnesium Oil - Topical Treatment for Muscle Cramps by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- School Shooting - Adam Lanza's Mother by Karlin 12 y
(2 replies) 13,085
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Of Fecaliths and Bowel Health by Karlin 11 y
(5 replies) 12,628
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Chris Rea's "Road to Hell - Part 2" song lyrics interpretation by Karlin 15 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Canada's P.M. Harper Destroys Science Books, and Libraries. by Karlin 10 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Did I have a GHOST here? by Karlin 12 y
(2 replies) 12,066
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Taxes - a Redistrubution of Wealth by Karlin 12 y
(3 replies) 11,957
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Blog: Path of my Life
- A Better Way - Giving by Karlin 12 y
(1 replies) 11,886
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Sen. Kerry's "Rush to War" rings a bell RRR by Karlin 11 y
(2 replies) 11,827
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Its My Blog and I'll Cry if I Want to!! by Karlin 12 y
(2 replies) 11,735
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Elites Controlling the Masses - How it is done by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Obama's "a-bomb-a-nation" of foreign policy - Israel Syria by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Iceland Arrests Bankers by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Pyramid - means "Fire in the Middle" by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Rush Limbaugh - may I correct you, sir? by Karlin 10 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Racism - Reviewing the Basics by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- South America - free at last!! by Karlin 11 y
(14 replies) 11,489
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Ukraine = Coup; Crimea = Treaty. by Karlin 10 y
(3 replies) 11,455
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Talking to Cars, lovingly. by Karlin 11 y
(1 replies) 11,423
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Blog: Path of my Life
- We are flooded with ghosts. by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Gateway to Cancer - Pipe Dreams from Hell by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Morphine is Usefull, and a Human Right by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- The Adult Bully by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Plants Exposed by Melting Ice - New Climate Change Evidence by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Conspiracy - No More Democracy by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Neutron Star in the Kuiper Belt? NOT!! by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Happy Precession Everyone - a 26,000 year anniversary. by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- C02 Emissions - where do they come from? by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- I heard it in a Dream - "Love Hurts" by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- A Small Group of Elites Controlling the Masses by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Letter to Mitt Romney - Presidential LOSER Excuses by Karlin 12 y
(1 replies) 10,901
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Mali - another "resource war" - metals, oil. by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Mitt Twits Palestine/Israel by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Fossil Fuel - Polluter Pay!! by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- For the benefit of OWS - Donations Request by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Intoxication from Excessive Power and Wealth - Part 3/3 by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Food Ads Aimed at Kids by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- The Biggest story of 2013? by Karlin 10 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Responsibility for Government Actions is up to us by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- John Lennon was not who I thought he was by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Doctors being forced to reduce prescribed morphine dosages. by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Is Iran less corrupted than America? by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Lies and Propaganda NOW by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Worsening Depression by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Art is an Experience - appreciating music by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- I have to tell someone...
by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Monsanto is Evil - Round-Up, GMO, Argentina by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Government Secrecy Vs. Manning, Snowden - Kennedy Warning by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- US Govt. spending priorities - death, but not food. by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- First destruction, THEN renewal - timeline considerations by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Dreaming of Sleeping by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Hugo Chavez has Died by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Morphine and Chronic Pain - The Terrible Toll of Tolerance by Karlin 15 y
(5 replies) 10,452
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Blog: Path of my Life
- Federal Budget from heaven - who's? by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Oil is Death by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Things we do that are "too late to do over" - eg. cancer by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Wikileaks Exposes US Officials Trafficing Drugs from Mexico by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Thought on Personal Responsbility and Choice by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- "Pay us, or ELSE" - the empty threat of AntiVirus protection by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Simple truth - Prosperity via Public Banking by Karlin 10 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- More Corporate Malfeasance - Enbridge this time. by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- The Sins of Silence - Non-Reported Nuclear News - Part 1/3 by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Open Water at the North Pole? by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- War Criminals and Terrorists Allowed to Be Free by Karlin 16 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- What will the Elites do if protests take hold? by Karlin 12 y
Blog: Path of my Life
- Conflict resolution, or coping with conflict by Karlin 11 y
Blog: Path of my Life