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    Body in Ecstasy

Blog: Body in Ecstasy
by popoe

70 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 251,435 times
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  • Body in Ecstasy by popoe
    • Baking the Cake by popoe  17 y
      • [video/audio embedded] Cakes!   by  UserX     17 y     3,912
        Subject:   [video/audio embedded] Cakes!
        Username:   UserX
        Date:   1/29/2008 4:39:49 PM   ( 17 y ago )
        Hits:   message viewed 3911 times
        Size: 6817 char.   URL:   http://www.curezone.org/blogs/c/fm.asp?i=1098026
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        Wow, Popoe! We must share the same brain since we are so very much on the same page lately! Imagine that! Actually, it is no surprise to me as I can get along with practically anybody! I even like the idioto doctor who said that I was psychotic! I think I kinda freaked him out a bit, though, when I smiled and told him that he should be so lucky as to be crazy like me! He was really a pretty nice guy, and told me to be very careful about my mother. And I don't even harbor ill will towards those who were less than kind to me. I know that they really don't know any better. I consider them evil. What do I mean by that? Evil is live spelled backwards. They're just living their lives backwards, that's all. And they have every right to do so, although I don't suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome either! And without getting all worked up about it, I will address this matter with the proper authorities.

        Just yesterday, actually, I dropped a letter off with my mother's attorney. This was the attorney that also botched my bankruptcy. In the letter I told him that I had paid him over 3 grand of my very hard earned money in order to handle my bankruptcy, and I believe that he handled me instead! He is also the attorney that my mother contacted when I was in the hospital in 2000, and she called the staff and lied to them saying that I had told her that I was suicidal. I hadn't even spoken with my mother! Fortunately, the doctor and the staff caught on to how crazy she was within about 5 minutes of our being in a meeting. And so they agreed that they wouldn't send me to a state psychiatric facility, although they also wouldn't discharge me without a place to stay either. So I ended up going home with my mother, and when I got there I heard the message from this same attorney. Apparently my mother had called him for his assistance to help keep me in the hospital, and he was returning the call and stated that he would help her in any way that he could. In the letter that I dropped off with him yesterday, I told him that my mother had been up to her old shenanigans and that I was aware of her contacting him in 2000, and heard his message. And so I also very strongly advised him to stay out of this current situation.

        LOL, I've never seen an attorney's face turn quite that shade of white-over before! I also asked him to do the right thing and return my money to me. And since he already has all the information anyway, I left him with my account number so that he can make the deposit. So far he hasn't done so, although, I have a feeling that he just might come around. We'll see. I had one of my hunches that my mother has already been in contact with him. All I can say is heaven help him if he tries to mess with me! I keep telling folks that I don't harm anybody, or make any threats. Instead, I make promises and the Universe takes care of things for me. Hey, I didn't make the ground shake when an earthquake was felt in Chicago in the early 1970s while I was sitting in the dentists chair! As they say, sh!t happens! Wu wei, I don't have to do a bloody thing!

        Ha! They laughed at me, too, at Hinsdale Hospital, which was the first hospital that I was sent to when my mother called the police. That was even a first for me, two hospitals in one night! I even have both ID bracelets as souvenirs! Anyway, I told them that I knew Joel Daly from ABC News, and they thought it was funny that I should say such things. They certainly didn't laugh at Glen Oaks Hospital when I added him to my contact list, though. And the social worker who had 'worked' with me since I was admitted looked kinda sick to her stomach when I told her that all the people I had listed on the 3+ pages of my contact list were people that I actually know, had met, or was 1 person away from knowing. Funny, this same social worker called in sick on the day of my commitment hearing! This is the same social worker who I earlier overhead laughing with another staff member when I requested for some documents to be sent to my special friend in Canada. "Magic fax machine!", they giggled as I walked away from the nurses station after making my request. Only it wasn't so funny anymore when my attorney brought up the hospital's interference with my Constitutional Rights! The judge certainly didn't think so, anyway!

        I was really a pretty good girl during that hearing; didn't open my mouth once except to make some small-talk with the judge about the movie, Forgiving Dr. Mengele, after she and the prosecutor were talking about a book that they were both reading, Suite Francais. And when my doctor walked in, I also said, "Oh, how nice of you to get your hair trimmed for the occasion!", and he turned bright red and couldn't help but giggle! I didn't even have to read the statement that I had prepared! They decided my case without any real input from me whatsoever. I'll just have to post my statement on my blog so that everyone can read about it! I know, sometimes I'm a little bit naughty! It's like I've been saying though, if it ain't fun, I'm not gonna do it! And if I'm not having a good time, I will do whatever it takes to make the situation feel better! Actually, I've never laughed so much in my life as I have the last couple of weeks! And I've been doing a pretty good job of spreading the joy around for those who are willing to feel better, too! Its such a shame that some people are so sad in the mouth and insist on being so damn serious lately! Oh well, hopefully they will come around and start living the life that they were meant to!

        And speaking of cakes, I found recipes for a dozen cakes that look and sound heavenly! Here is a list of them:

        Chocolate Sour Cream Cake with Fudge Frosting
        Buttermilk White Cake with Coconut
        Buttery Yellow Citrus Cake
        Pecan Laced German Chocolate Cake
        Carmel Frosted Hummingbird Cake
        Chocolate Espresso Chiffon
        Hot Milk Sponge Cake with Tropical Topper
        Poppy Seed Cake with Lemon Glaze
        Ginger-Carrot Cake
        Banana-Split Cake
        Date and Spice Cake
        ~ and a very, very special one that I want for my wedding cake!

        It will be so nice when I finally have a kitchen to cook in again! Although I make do with whatever I have. And I don't get all caught up in politics and what's happening in the 'real' world. I have found that what most people think is real is really just another illusion anyway! We can all be as happy and healthy as we want to be, regardless of our history or our circumstances or even our karma!

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