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    Finally! 30 day apple diet

Finally! 30 day apple diet
by 2dreem

5 blog entries; 5 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 73,925 times
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  • 1st Day   by  2dreem     19 y     4,528       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Finally! 30 day apple diet
    It's the evening of my first day and all of these negative feelings that I usually get when I start a fast are coming up.

    I've been having thoughts like "I dont want to do this", or "I dont need to do this", or "maybe I'll wait till later"

    This is the hardest part for me and when I usually end up breaking. But I will get through it. I've just got to keep my mind on my goal and how happy I'll be when I accomplish it.

    I read something yesterday about how to achieve your goals and I thought it was really cool.

    It gives 6 steps to achieving your goals.

    Step 1) Set a Big Goal

    Step 2) Set a Big Reward for the Big Goal

    Step 3) Break the Big Goal into Manageable Steps

    Step 4) Reward Yourself For Making Each Step

    Step 5) Do it Everday, make a habit of it.

    Step 6) Tell someone and make a promise to meet your Big Goal and steps, use this person to get encouragement as you meet each step and do not break your promise to them about the Big Goal. This is the concrete that will hold you to your goal.

    After reading this, especially Step 6, I decided that I should create a blog and promise everyone that I will achieve my goal. So, I promise to all of you, that I will fast upon apples and lemon juice only for the next 30 days, starting today, Oct. 3. I will not break this promise.

    I also broke down my Big Goal of fasting for 30 days into manageable steps. And I will reward myself when I achieve them. Sooooo!

    My reward for completing my big goal is:

    1) Be able to eat again!(good one)

    2) Buy new clothes

    3) Just plain feel awesome for achieving my lifelong goal of being at a normal weight(excellent!)

    Manageable Steps to achieving Big Goal:

    1) Make it to 3 days!

    Reward: a soothing bath

    2) Go 4 more days!

    Reward: check my weight on scale(this will be end of my first week)

    3) 4 more days!

    Reward: Sip peppermint tea with stevia while watching a good movie(nice)

    Well, thats the end of the manageable steps so far. When I complete them, I will come up with more.

    Man, I'm feeling better already!
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Goooooood luck :) !   by  firsttimemastercleanser     19 y     2,258
      Good luck 2dreem! I really hope this works out for you! I am curious to know - do your family members/friends/workmates know about this diet?

      Also, when you eat normally, are you 100% raw?

      Anyway, I look forward to your updates :)

      PS I think it's really great that you're not weighing yourself everyday as there will be days when you don't lose (and maybe even gain!) due to retaining water so it's SO much better to do it your way.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Goooooood luck :) !   by  2dreem     19 y     2,538

        Thanks for dropping in.

        Yes my family and friends know about this diet and are very supportive. Of course, when I told them I was going for a month they kind of gave me the eye role, but they are still very supportive of me reaching my goal.

        I was 100% raw for about 6 months, thats how I kept the weight off. But these past few months I've been adding in more and more cooked and started gaining again.

        So after this fast I plan on going back to 100% most days, and maybe some cooked food once a week. I realized that I just wasnt very happy being so strick with myself and felt like the eternal outsider at parties.

        I felt that being so strick was encouraging me to feel bad for myself, and that was not good for my healing.

        So, since being a little looser I've been feeling soooo much better. But I've got to tone it down a bit and only have cooked occasionly. Then I will be able to sustain my weight easily.

        Ya, I figured it would be better for me to only weight myself once a week. Because one of the big reasons that I would quit was because I was dissatisfied with my weight loss and figured what the hell. ALso, only weiging myself gives me something to look forward to and helps me stay on.

        Talk to you later!
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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