- Almonds Brain Food by RisingSun
19 y
45,728 3 Messages Shown
Blog: Almonds Research Blog
Chauhan says almonds contain substances that act like cholinesterase inhibitors, drugs used to treat Alzheimer's.
The diet also reduced the number of Alzheimer deposits in the rodent brains.
Mice got that benefit by eating a relatively small amount of almonds — the equivalent of about a handful daily. Almonds may not be able to help people suffering from advanced disease, Chauhan warns. Still there's no harm in adding almonds to a healthy diet. In fact, such a diet may protect against memory loss, she says.
- Hey Rudinski! by YourEnchantedGardener
19 y
Nice job.
I wish I could digest almosts better.
Maybe it is the combinations.
I just soaked some.
Jensen recommended soaking them too.
He said, we eat nuts and they come out nuts.
Thanks for all the great blogs.
Your friend,
- Re: Hey Rudinski! by bluestar
19 y
my sister has problems w/raw almonds but can digest the tamari toasted or other roasted almonds. you might want to try a different kind ... preferably from your natural food store :)